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Woah, nice job! What a cool story to tell and an unexpected way to tell it. Such a fun experience, thank you for doing this! It's very cool of you to also have so many options for voice acting, it really helps immerse into the game's story


Thank you for your kind words + playing, much appreciated :3 

I'm incredibly lucky to have such wonderful voice actor friends who don't mind helping out with stuff like this :D I owe them a lot! Haha. Kinda feel like anything I write isn't complete without voice acting >.< They do such an amazing job of bringing stuff to life!

I'm looking forward to checking out you guys' game later on! Hoping that it will run on my potato laptop x3 If not, I'll just have to go be uncomfortable and use my PC instead (it's a very awkward setup cos I have no space for a desk, haha.)