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(1 edit) (+3)

Soooo, I haven't played through that many entries yet (planning to try and play as many as possible) but I'm fairly confident this is gonna wind up as my overall favourite! :D I really love it, haha.

I'm a huuuuge fan of audio-focused experiences/games + of voice acting in general! The voice acting in this is absolutely top notch :3 The general story/concept is amusing, and I laughed out loud during the last call I made x3

I can see myself replaying this <3 


Thanks so much for the kind words! Katherine Tole was the main force behind the voice acting, and she is absolutely amazing at it, a real professional. You can find more of her work here and here if you like! She's a big fan of game jams so she works on a lot of small indie teams :)


Thanks for being an awesome hype man Ezra! I do indeed love to work on game jams so let me know if you want to work together in the future!

(1 edit) (+2)

That's awesome stuff! :3 I'm a huuuuge voice acting fan, haha, so anything I ever make will have voice acting in, cos to me, it's what breathes life into a project :D Got a lot of respect for voice actors! You did an amaing job with this :3 Keep on being epic!


Somehow I managed to miss this >.< but I just saw it now, haha. Thanks for making such a fun little experience :3 Appreciate the links <3