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When should I start making a game for this jam?

A topic by Marusero110 created 39 days ago Views: 171 Replies: 3
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Hi there!

I'm Marusero110, and I joined today. I also decided to join this jam because I saw it as an opportunity to help me hone my coding and programming skills. (The only game engine I'm familiar with is GameMaker, but I hope to learn other engines eventually.) I hope we can get along!

With my introduction out of the way, I want to know when I should start developing a game to submit for this jam. Should it be before it starts or when it is happening? Please let me know as soon as possible.


Hello, and welcome!  Glad to have you join us!  Typically, the idea is to start working on the game after the jam starts.  But you can work on practicing general skills before then.  Like for instance, say maybe you want to learn how to include dialog in a game, you can start practicing how to do that now, and then use what you've learned in the next game jam.  And then when the jam starts, you can start developing specifically for the jam.

In fact, I highly recommend using time between jams to build your "toolkit" and skill set.  That also goes for art, music, etc.  Like if you're an artist, you can be working on an archive of sprites, models, etc, that you can then later use in jams.  So just as we say you can use pre-existing assets (art and sound assets, etc) for game jams, you can use pre-existing knowledge and general coding tools (even those you've made yourself) as well.

Does that make sense?


Yeah, what you said makes a lot of sense, CHG. (I hope you don't mind me calling you that; otherwise, please let me know.) Thank you so much for your advice!


No problem, of course you may call me CHG :)  I'm glad I was able to help!  I hope you have fun in the jam and that you find it valuable!