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A jam submission

Gotta go fast!View game page

Submitted by Kaeselord
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Gotta go fast!'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Use of the Limitation#283.3333.333

Ranked from 27 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Team members
K盲selord(Me :3)

Software used
Godot 4, LMMS, Libresprite

Use of the limitation
It's about speedrunning! A speedrun timer.

Cookies eaten
Loads of gummy bears, no cookies tho

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This is awesome, the stars for the speedrun times add nice replayability too! Great job. 


This was fun! haha


Damn that was a challenge! Really like the mechanics of the dash, and how it maintains velocity for some interesting tricks. Hard games feel so rewarding to beat, so I gravitate to them strongly, and make em that way too lol. Really captures the speedrunning spirit of having the stars feel impossible until they are just in your grasp! Great color palette too, nice work

(2 edits) (+1)

I beat your score on tutorial :p (epic game btw, movement)


One of the best games I've played from this jam so far. I really love how well the mechanics work together and the design of the levels that make you want to go through each one as fast as possible.  The art, music, and animations work well together to make it easy to follow (especially the titles). Everything was simple to follow and done extremely well. Congratulations. 


very impressed with the polish of this game, everything parcelled very well together and I loved the little animations on the text, gave it so much more life. I did struggle a bit but I suck at movement :3 


difficult game. I like this, and by the way it reminds me of my game a little

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Very Good Game, I just want to dash with mouse left click then it would easy for me to dash!


Really nice game! I enjoyed all of the levels a lot, except maybe suffering, the opening of that one was very confusing! Other than that really well designed!! :)

feels like i could play it forever.
the only criticism I have is that I miss a reset button, like, I screwed up the level and then I want to start over, I have to either get to the finish line or die.
That's one thing that if you're going to add more levels in the future (which I'd really like :3) you could add as well

I had a good laugh every time it said "u r ded" - make me feel better about how bad I was at it haha I still have fun though!


Noooooooooooooooooo way

This game was excellent :) The physics felt very fluid and responsive. Tuned super well. Great music and art. Love the little guy's arms  as he moves around. "YOU ARE DED" was really funny when I died the first time. Great work!


fun platform


I really like how the character is animated. Good job.


I am really impressed by this game. Very polished and feels good to play. Great job! 


Amazing work, love the art, love the balance of level design amazing


Ty :3


of course, I also love your pfp

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks I drew it myself like half a year ago haha(Yours is cool as well 馃槑)


btw I was looking at some of your games, do u use procedural animation a lot?


Mhm I do


Thats cool, do you have a discord. I want to learn more about it


Yup! just "kaeselordd" on discord


Very nice speedrun game! Definitely pretty challenging. Well done!