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Is VR possible?

A topic by Redga created 16 days ago Views: 129 Replies: 5
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Hello everyone,

I am currently working a lot with VR and would therefore like to participate with a VR game. I'm aware that most people probably don't have a VR device to play with, but the ratings aren't that important to me.  So would it be possible to send in a VR game?

Alternatively, I will certainly be able to program something else


A VR game is fine as far as I know. Like you noted it will be difficult to find many people willing and able to play your submission and I feel that one of the great benefits to participating in a game jam is to get feedback on what you've made. I remember last year there was a multiplayer only game which the developer for had trouble getting people to play, but it's certainly not against the rules to make a game like that. The only problem I can think of is that one of the jam organizers will need to be able to test it, to confirm it's a valid submission (for example, games which don't run at all or are found to have malware are removed.)


There were definately VR submissions last year, so I think you'll be OK. I've been playing around with VR over the past year too, so may go down this route depending on the theme.

Awesome! That's good to know.
I will also make it dependent on the theme.

Out of curiosity which engine are you using for VR?
