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Update 10/11/23 - Starship Delays! Sticky

A topic by Alex_ADEdge created Nov 10, 2023 Views: 24
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Apologies to everyone for letting the countdown get to T-20 days. But the dearMoon crewed launch is still a fair way off. At this point we still dont have a launch date, and so this gamejam needs to be pushed back again.

I have pushed the date back a year to December 2024 - however I feel even this is optimistic. We could very well be looking at 2025 or later for the mission to launch (and therefore gamejam to kick off). So expect more delays to be very likely. 

Here is an update from Yusaku Maezawa over on Twitter:

And of course even with the program and its progress becoming quite delayed, it was great to see the first Starship Launch back on April 20th this year. Flight test 2 could be as early as this month (November). And if launches can ramp up from there as we head in to 2024 - we might see this crewed launch finally lined up! 

Thanks to everyone who has joined so far! Its great to see 83 people have joined so far. 100 is not far off!

And thankyou for your patience. We will get there eventually!
