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Update 08/12/22 - Moon Crew!?

A topic by Alex_ADEdge created Dec 09, 2022 Views: 76
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Crew announcement is out today! 

Its great to see Tim Dodd in there! Certainly looking like we have a very diverse range of crew for this mission, some very interesting artists overall (see the dearMoon youtube channel for all the meet-the-crew videos

I've also just updated the date for the gamejam, its now looking like it will take place at the end of 2023 at the absolute earliest (this date/gamejam will likely be pushed into 2024 at some point). Unfortunately no super solid updates on the mission timeline itself, its still set on the website as 'late 2023' but I'm expecting it to push into 2024 still. 

Stay tuned for more updates, there should be a lot more content coming out about the mission as we get into next year. And its great to see so many people joining already!
