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A jam submission

Bane Of OakenshadeView game page

Dark PC dungeon crawler Kings Field-like
Submitted by Hodslate — 5 days, 10 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Art / Graphics#303.2664.000
Controls / UI#352.8583.500
Overall Fun#392.8583.500

Ranked from 2 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Genre #2


Open World

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I'll add the this game was updated to version 2 in November 2023 after this jams conclusion 


Hello! Welcome to Feedback Que- wait.

I kid, I kid.

Y'know, I wasn't sure if you were going to submit a game this time around. After the last two times, I thought you might not. But we're here, so let's get going.

So like most people who played this game, they likely had trouble finding a weapon. I eventually DID find out, when I began just pressing use against everything and finding out I could go inside the fortress. Once I had a weapon, I thought things would be okay and I'd be able to get somewhere. However, I found I couldn't tell if I was hitting the spiders (and due to dealing with mild arachnophobia, I wasn't exactly looking directly at them). So I took my fight to the skeletons, only for them to kick my ass. Eventually, I found gear and put it on. I was making progress! Then I discovered magic! And whoa! Suddenly, I could kill the skeletons in a single hit. I felt much stronger and like I could do something, even though it wouldn't last long.

After this, I spent a while trying to play through. I burned through the few spells I could use rather quickly. Even a mana potion didn't really help. Meanwhile, attacking felt sluggish and difficult to pull off. Now this isn't to say this sort of combat can't be good, it's the sort of thing that From Software games do all the time. However, those games have great feedback to let the player know they've done damage. A lot of my attacks, I'd see an animation but no indication that I dealt damage of any kind. Some attacks did make it obvious, thankfully. Then arose the complication of how long I was fighting. Like I said, I was testing on skeletons because I couldn't look at the spiders for personal reasons. And while my magic could destroy a skeleton in one hit, I found it taking dozens to do the job by melee.

I also wasn't quite sure what the bars that empty on attack and fill up are for. I had assumed they were related to how much damage an attack did, but without any means of knowing how much damage I do in a hit, it's impossible for me as a player to confirm this.

Of the games you've submitted to FQ, I find this one has the most actual game to it. Areas don't look repetitive, I can discern where I am in a world, and there's stuff I can actually do as a player. I actually enjoyed playing this a bit. Whatever my personal feelings on the controls, I was happy just to be doing something. Unfortunately, I can't put in enough time to get really in-depth with the game. I would like to know more of what's going on, but since I have to cover many games I can't dedicate as much time.

Looking at things, I'm unsure what would be the best way to improve the starting situation while keeping your intent with the game. You could give the player some starting money, or you could give them starting equipment. Alternatively, you could make early leveling easier (I don't know how much experience you need to level, I had around 30 or 40 at my top) so that players can make some early gains that let them just be capable of taking more hits. Whatever the case, something to make the start work more smoothly would help the experience for players and make them overlook the shortcomings from using older software.

I have more to say, but since I want this post to focus on the review and feedback for the game I'm separating the rest into another comment, which will be as a reply to this one.

Ok, follow-up that needs to be brought up. During Feedback Quests 3 and 4, after I had given you my feedback (which in those cases was pretty much entirely negative), you removed your entries completely. When it happened during FQ3, I thought I was crazy at first. I didn't know why the total number of games I played was greater than the number in the jam, until I noticed yours was pulled. When this happened again in FQ4, it went from being a bit of a silly response to being pretty sad. Despite what you may think, my goal here is NOT to just shit all over your games. I hope the comment above offers some evidence of this. I am aware you use old software and hardware to make your games, but to me this is an excuse. Being on old software and hardware doesn't mean bad game design is okay. Just because games today tend to have better design doesn't mean it's a result of modern software. For example, look at Mario games. These have been some of the most polished games since the 1980s. The resolution stuff is one thing, I can let that slide. However, there are going to be things that I will be critical of if they don't seem to work to me.

I say this all because I need to ensure the intent of my feedback is understood before I bring up a significant issue. I need it to be understood that when I'm giving feedback, it's to try and improve the game. If everything about the game doesn't feel good to me, then I'm going to criticize everything about the game. And that is an important part of this game jam: to get feedback, good or bad. Whether you agree with the feedback is up to you. However, removing your games upon getting a highly critical review is just... not acceptable. And since you've last entered, I've joined with the team behind FQ. As such, even if I'm not a host for this specific event (I tend to host the mini events we now do), I do need to keep in mind the integrity of the events. And as such, I do want to inform you that if this game gets pulled from getting feedback from me (or from getting a lot of negative feedback in general), I will be speaking with the head of the group about banning you entirely from these events. Now if you're wondering why I'm not saying this privately, it's because I've already spoken about the issue in a public setting (aka on stream) when I saw it happen before, before I was part of the team. As such, a lot of people are aware of this. This makes it better for me to be transparent, to be open with it and to let you know. This will also be in my stream VOD, such that if this entry IS removed, there will be evidence that this had been explained to you.

Wanting to remove your title from a jam with a long title afterwords is fine. Removing it in the middle of the event because someone was overly critical is not. While I'm not saying you need to condone rudeness (and I hope my response to this game has made it clear I'm not trying to be rude), reacting in a poor way and removing the game isn't helping.

I hope this point has been made clear. I hope you have a better understanding of my approach for feedback. I hope that my little joke in the last comment gave you a little chuckle in the end. But above all else, I hope you won't pull your games anymore even if you get a lot of negative feedback. Thank you for your time.


Lots of feedback there appreciate the effort you went to. Don't plan on upgrading my hardware there's no point. Probably not going to improve my skills either. Literally couldn't care less it's a hobby not a career. If I was more serious about it then maybe I'd look into it further.

As for the magic based combat in Bane of Oakenshade. You have pretty much worked out the gameplay loop in a way. The magic is over powered on purpose but if you level up by gaining xp through enemies killed using magic the trade off is your melee improves with it. The stamina bar stops spamming attack buttons. You only do full damage when the bar is full! Swinging with a half full stamina bar is as good as useless. That's how Kings Field games work. I kept it inline with the styles they used in the 90s but added my own spin combat and levelling. As for not being able to tell if you hit things. That's a game engine flaw. Devs are working to rectify the short comings if the sword of moonlight engine. That's how Kings field plays. Hit boxes are vague and clunky.

I wanted to hide a starting weapon as most Kings field games give you one from the beginning. Wanted to make the player work for it. There is actually a lot of stuff to find early on in the first map alone. There's a shrine that will replenish your magic at no cost close by aswell. 

Spiders are your simple grind enemy. They really get the experience points moving. Less to kill and give decent xp. Appreciate your effort and the extent you went to understand the game. The engine is 23 years old. I've enjoyed plenty of the fan games made with it. I just wanted to do things a bit different from what has already been done.

I probably won't be submitting for any jams for the foreseeable future. I have gone back to studying a multi coursed Cert IV after hours and that will consume most of my spare time.

Thanks again

Thanks for the info on the bars. That will help. I also had a feeling the hit detection could be an engine thing, so confirmation on that is nice to have.

With the information of the shrine, I'll probably try again when I have more time. I do want to go more into this, since it does have a lot going for it. 


The extensive dialogue with NPCs gives away plenty of clues as to what to do.

Hey Hodslate,

So I put some more time into Bane of Oakenshade. I actually figured out quite a bit (found the shrine, got a bunch of levels and the next spell). I had wanted to put about two hours into it, but about an hour and 25 minutes in the game crashed on me and I lost a LOT of progress. Overall, though, I like this a lot and, if you're interested, I'd love to be able to play more while talking with you live some day.

When the VOD with this gameplay releases (which, I'll admit, I did go through our history in FQ events because I do want to be clear about this for folks new to my stream so they understand why this game is such a big deal to me personally), you can check it out on my Youtube. I do hope you'll give it a check and see where the crash happened. I also want you to know, I changed my rating for this game and made it higher than I had originally done.

While I know you said you won't submit games for a while, I do hope if you get some time you'll be able to improve this title even more. I do legitimately like it and want to play through to the end of the story (I know From Software games tend to never have "happy" endings, though I am hoping you've put one in this).


Hello. Ive never done a live chat before. Shame about the crash. I hope you saved before it. I've never experienced a crash in it. I think the game engine is happy up to windows 7 then things might get a bit iffy.


G'day. Have updated the game a lot and improved many elements. I think I've removed whatever was causing the crashes. I hope.... I've experienced none on this updated version. 


The Graphics are great and I love the way this one feels, I just couldn't find a weapon for the life of me... I strongly recommend possibly giving the player a starting weapon or at least putting one in the chest that you can see but not access without going around that building. That chest would be great placement for a starting weapon because it makes the player familiarize themselves with the map a bit before they can start fighting things (if that's the intention). I would love to play this more and if you are trying to emulate Kings Field without updated QOL features this is great so far, I love the style of the assets.  I've never played Kings Field before so the controls threw me off a bit, but they actually were intuitive, just very old school. Also when navigating the menus with the keyboard it's really sensitive to up and down, skipping options when navigating. The first level looked well designed as far as assets and enemy placement and getting around, I really wish I could find a weapon. Creeping around enemies that could one shot me with no weapon was harrowing. Vibe accomplished. Also Tab for inventory/menu was the last button I found, it needs mild tutorialization, at least controls told to the player and a starting weapon. Otherwise, I found this super intriguing.


Big write up there. Much appreciated. The starting weapons are extremely easy to find. From the start of the game you can have a weapon within half a minute. Did you enter the stronghold itself?  There is a big wooden Gate. It's much better to use a gamepad but if you can get used to the controls (I can't) then that's good. You will have to try Kings Field itself or the other fan games. They are hard to find but they are all free. There is about 10 fan games I think! I recently finished Mystic Prelude a short puzzle type game. There is a sword of moonlight discord dedicated to Kings Field. The games should all be there. Oakenshade plays slightly differently. Instead of recycling Kings Field methods I tried to go a bit outside the box and redesign the thought process and strategies behind the combat. If you are intrigued keep looking around there are 9 maps and the world is fairly well interconnected. 


Spacebar is the activate button! Hold it to run and open crates, doors, activate dialogues and pick up objects.