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Book Devlogs Page 3

Artbook Compilation past works from videogame industry. Concept art and ilustration...
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Chapters undergoing Final Edits
Chapters are under going final edits for the full release...
Necromancy & Skeletons & Paperbacks, oh my! - Signed Paperback Pre-Orders! -
Since I've had more than a few inquiries, I got enough energy together for a 💀 FOREVERMORE 💀 physical release complete with new revisions! My goal for its...
QG - Space Station & Colony Room Concepts
Major Update
New PDF out today is a companion for "Space Colonies and Starbases" but that is not required to use this, it expands on the room/districts chapter by giving bre...
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Issue 1 Released!
Major Update
Hello, world! I created this chapbook to give some sage advice. I hope y'all appreciate it...
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Revised Rules added, redoing cover...
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A Paranormal Guide to Entity Communication
Store Page Update
Hi all! This isn't a massive update, but I just wanted to let folks know I have spruced up this page a little and included screenshots of the text so you can ha...
Principal recurso para escribir
Escribí lo que está en el zine. Me gusta porque por lo general suelo escribir cosas de amor y ya no me gustan. Me gustaría mejorar a nivel diseño pero bueno...
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Haven't grabbed Dynasty of Blood, Vol. 2 yet? Well happy birthday to me, it's sale day! The second volume is currently $0.99 and ready to read. Allllso...there'...
owo suffixes p.143 https...
Sample The First Five Chapters For Free
I'm not sure why it took me so long to notice, but as far as I can tell there's no way to preview my book or my writing on the Itch Platform before you buy. So...
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Adjusted pricing for issues and bundles
Hi y'all. Just a heads-up that we'd had to up the pricing of issues from a £ to £1.50 and bundles from £3 to £4. Paypal has taken a deeper cut than we expec...
03 | Games built around powerful questions
Game Design
The unmatched power of games as a media is their interactivity and the ability to grow with and within their player. Some games may essentially limit the player...
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Vol. 2 Community Copies & Vol. 3 News
As promised, I've just added new community copies of Vol. 2 thanks to purchases of both Vol. 1 and 2. Three new copies of Betrayal At Indier Mountain are up and...
Second edition ebooks!
Major Update
With the upcoming hardcover editions of the Post-Self Cycle, all books got a revamp. This includes additional images and some small changes to the text (updated...
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New Release! Chapter 9: Needle
Major Update
Chapter 9: Needle There comes a time when decisions must be made. Nieve finds herself steeped in the suffering surrounding her. Will her choices be made swiftly...
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Publiqué "Intentos"
MI fanzine semanal salió :3...
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un zine acerca de cómo me esfuerzo por seguir haciendo algo por mí
Update: fixed epub title
Yet another update: I've fixed the title of the epub in the metadata, which I'd completely missed. If you don't mind it being a bit wonky you can avoid re-downl...
Second edition ebooks!
Major Update
With the upcoming hardcover editions of the Post-Self Cycle, all books got a revamp. This includes additional images and some small changes to the text (updated...
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Fulfillment Update #1
Thank you so so so much for your patience in this process. As of Monday, I'll have gotten half the signed copies out to those who have pre-ordered. The others a...
New article about the us founding fathers
thanks to Alexander markovics, the first Part about my 2 Parter about the american founding fathers was released ob in the first part, I talk ab...
New compact article about ilbe and the limbus company controversy
in the current issue of the compact Magazine, there is an article from me about the conservative movement around the ilbe forum and the controversial protests a...
Second edition ebooks!
Major Update
With the upcoming hardcover editions of the Post-Self Cycle, all books got a revamp. This includes additional images and some small changes to the text (updated...
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Second edition ebooks!
Major Update
With the upcoming hardcover editions of the Post-Self Cycle, all books got a revamp. This includes additional images and some small changes to the text (updated...
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Second edition ebooks!
Major Update
With the upcoming hardcover editions of the Post-Self Cycle, all books got a revamp. This includes additional images and some small changes to the text (updated...
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New version of issue 10 with corrections!
A kind soul let us know that we'd goofed and left in a text from a previous feature in the one about Retro Achievements, plus that the text formatting on pages...
Notes on writing process
I'm happy to report that I've now finished a clean draft of CWKB Book XIII, and I'm forging ahead into XIV. sarantine sent an ask on cohost about how much I thi...
02 | Meanings rippled in reflection
Game Design
Writing games means accepting that no one will ever really experience your creation as it is. On the contrary, it will always be experienced through the human m...
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3-21-24 Mice!
- added Mice to the list of rodents...
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a free guide to rodent care from a rodent hobbyist
Issue Ten Now Out!
Major Update
Issue Ten is now out! Please go here to grab it!...
A fortnightly retro gaming and media fanzine
Fixed fixed (lol) line height and font in ereaders
One might say I have learned a lot about building ebooks since this one, in 2018. I fixed a lot of formatting that was frozen, like line height and font, so tha...
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Sneak Peek!
I've been working on Dynasty of Blood since 2017. Except I had no idea that's what I was doing. What this means is I have a LOT of cool stuff that, recently, I...
Fixed fixed (lol) line height in ereaders
Little update to the ebook file because it didn't allow users to modify line height in their ereaders. Found where to fix that, so it should be good now. :) - C...
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V5 Fixed Missing Magic Item
Major Update
I found a huge error in my formatting that pushed the main magic item block off the page. Hopefully, there is nothing else!...
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01 | Liminal Sailor in a Liminal Sea
I write games not out of some intentional effort but because I need to express myself through this very particular way of creating. In a way, this means that my...
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Hello ! Here we are, it's the end ! WOW. I hoped you enjoyed ! If you have any feedback PLEASE PLEASE share hahaha. Thanks a lot ! (see you next time?) Spoiler...
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Typo corrected
Hey y'all! I've corrected a typo which a reader helpfully pointed out. It's nothing major, but the files have been updated :)...
New (and final) Updates
Major Update
Hello! A lot of things have changed since oct. 2023. Here are some of them; Changed the price from one euro to 3.50. It's worth more than pennies, this story is...
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Quick Generator Creature Concepts 5 - Aquatic
Major Update
My latest PDF is another in the quick generator series , sepcially the "creature concepts" line and covers aquatic, or aquatic adjacent - such as amphbians or s...
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The Satanic Panic Files - NYT Coverage Vol. 1
Here is an excerpt from the New York Times, a piece that was originally published on August 22, 1985. It's one of many pieces I've come across doing research fo...
V4 Small Changes
Fixed an issue with formatting of the first area and a couple other spots. Also fixed the PDF bookmarks. Added the players map in case someone wants to try and...
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Major Update
With the help of OriginalM, we have re-sized the download greatly, while retaining the high-detail maps. We've also made the maps available for individual downl...
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The Book is out
Yo everyone, Kaguya here. And I've finally published the book I was talking about. I'm not sure if it's all green lit by y'all but though if you feel like there...
Volume 2 is here!
What happens when Beverly Walsh gets to chat with Dr. Elizabeth Riggs? What happens when Stuart keeps imagining Fenria's Lantern and finds it on his fist, final...
THE FEALTY OF MONSTERS IS OUT TODAY! Thank you to everyone who pre-ordered. The epub and pdf files are now uploaded on itch for your downloading pleasure. If yo...
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English version now completely translated!
The English version has been updated, the digest & minizine instructions now also have English text. I’d love to hear your thoughts about the zine!...
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Spring Update
Updated the zine to include one more spread, adding in pictures of the big targets and including a blurb/link to Israeli Apartheid Week (now expanded to the who...
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Version 0.7.10 is out: Missing the trees for the forest!
Hello everyone. Two updates less than one month apart? I know, it's crazy. What happened Since the 0.7.9 release there has been a single revision, due to me wan...
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Progress report
The briefest of brief updates: I haven't died, and work on CWKB continues apace. I now have clean drafts of books XI and XII, and a rough draft for most of Book...
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