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[ ! ] Post-Jam Playtesting! Share your games here! Sticky

A topic by lysander created Feb 12, 2023 Views: 1,112 Replies: 40
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Thanks for hosting the jam. I feel like I learned a lot here.

the (un)finished NadeJumping game: the Unfinished NadeJumping game by A3rial (

It's an FPS platformer where you use grenades to propel yourself upwards an obstacle course.

Any feedback is good, though I'd love some ideas on how to make a 3d character controller feel good to play.


Grow yourself:

It's a simple rogue-like shoot-em up game

I'd like feedback on anything


Spasibo za MFGJ

Chudo Potion


You need to cook a MoleJam for your grandfather

plant seeds and brew potions

I'd like feedback on:

The quality of the tutorial: is it hard to understand the gameplay or is it intuitive

Game balance

-It is worth reducing the speed and / or HP of enemies

- It gets boring to perform long tasks for growing seeds. Should they be reduced?


remake of super hot from ohio


im plan on updating the game




Info: A game where you grow soldiers like plants and defend a building/crystal

Want feedback: if concept is alright and how well it fits the theme, anything else would be appreciated

Submitted (1 edit)

Thanks for hosting. Learnt alot and got off my butt to create something at least^^

Game Title/URL: 

Pitch/Information: Save your baby banana from the evil blender! Testing out the Gdevelop Game Platform. Learnt alot! Demo only but hoping to add more levels and improvements.

I'd like feedback on: Any feedback appreciated (what works well, what could be improved) especially game mechanics or UI as I am fairly new to game development.

I need help on: I can't seem to work out the bug where sometimes the main character dies more than once on blades. Tried using a condition where object value changes and excludes death sequence on subsequent collisions but to no avail. Also tried swapping character out for a non-collisionable dummy as well as stopping gravity effects for character but still can't seem to work it out. Anyway... Sigh...


Sudden Storm:

Pitch/Information: In this game you have collect sticks to grow a campfire, to make sure your friend is saved

I'd like feedback on: Can be "anything!" 


Thanks for hosting the jam! It was a blast and I learned a lot

The Hungry Cowboy:

Pitch/Information: A quick western style arcade-ish top down swarm shooter where you have to absorb bullets to shoot. 

I'd like feedback on: Art, gameplay, what to improve on


Collect water drops to grow into a sunflower and find your friend.

Any and all honest feedback


Yuki No Ko



A story of a snowball who woke up in a cave on Mt. Midori with no memories of who she is or how she got there. 

Help her find the secrets of the mountain, collect new abilities to help her grow and to reveal her past on this platforming adventure!

I'd like feedback on: Anything! This is a very challenging platformer. Let me know how you liked it and what part you hated the most :P


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: A chill tile-based city builder type game where you grow your town by earning gold, feeding your workers and buying cards which are used to place building tiles. This is only a prototype and doesn't have any goals or fail states, you can just keep growing your town up to the 50x50 grid limits.

I'd like feedback on: Mainly if the idea itself is interesting and if I should continue development on it. I'd like to add quests and actual challenges (reach X population, etc) to make it an actual game. With that would come making tons of new building/tile types and card types. Was to upgrade buildings, cosmetic item cards to make your city more personal, and for the map to have a play in the game (water you cant build on, tiles that provide bonuses when build on, etc).


Game Title/URL: Gaia, The Last Tree

Pitch/Information: Protect the Tree and level it up.

I’d like feedback on: Game Balancing. I think I may have made the game a little too hard so I want to work on that

Submitted (3 edits)

Barkelo's Tree Foundation:

It's a game about a  Foundation that plants trees, just like Team Trees a few year ago.

How could I make my game more fun / entertaining?


Game Title/URL:


Bark is a 2d Puzzle Platformer, You mostly live out your life as a cut-down tree stump. Your home is invaded by Invasious species that are tearing down plants and trees alike and need your help to regrow them back into bigger and better plants. Find the Required things that are needed to grow plants like Fertilizer, Enough water, and... Accelerant? Watch out for the bugs they don't like being disturbed that much, but go as you like! Either by moving around them or trying to defeat them. 

Navigate a large level to try and find the Required materials to grow your plant. It will grow as you collect them. Unless you're trying to water it of course. Once you complete growing the plant, Jump up and reach the goal!

I'd like feedback on:  Hey guys I need some constructive criticism for my game, It's my first time doing a game jam, but isn't really my first time making a game, I do 3D games since I know how to 3D model but I decided to try and expand my capabilities. I've also been trying to make simple puzzles since I'm pretty bad at making them. I've just wanted to improve, and this game jam has gotten me to improve quite a lot in time management because I'm kinda tired of adding so much stuff to a list that I never get it done. I'm glad to finally publish something. But it has come up with some flaws. It hasn't had enough time to bake. So I just need some feedback on the gameplay Since I was trying to be a bit unique and not make it a traditional platformer. When you're finished can you comment on the Itch io page and Rate it if you can? I don't go on discord often so, It's better for me to just see it in the comments. If you don't like the game, Don't just say the game is bad, or really vague terms. And if you have something that's good about it, please provide what made the game good or what mechanic was good, don't make it vague. Thanks to whoever tests it.

I need help on: Perfectionism, Its why i chose to do this jam and to actually work under pressure and to try and meet a deadline while trying to make a game good. Its my first game jam and had fun. But I dont usually get feedback from anyone even when I used to actually complete games. I just never publish them until now. It's why i need help getting feedback. Constructive feedback.


The Tower :

The goal is to protect the villagers during the construction of the divine Tower, wich will pleased the Gods to save them. You control a biblically "accurate" angel sent on the planet to help the villagers.

I'd like feedback on anything.


Submitted (1 edit)

I had a blast making this game. The steepest learningcurve of my life :)

A platformer about blasting your way through a mine .. searching for parts of a magical machine ..  

BLAM! Bagheera 
Do you mine? Saving the world 

Game Link :

Iitch/Information: A platformer about blasting your way through a mine .. searching for parts of a magical machine to save the world form drowning ..  

I'd like feedback on: All feedback is great! But since the game still lacks a LOT of content , look and feel is important to us. 
and ofcourse feature ideas are always welcome.

I need help on: This is my first Unitygame ever, so i am very curious on how to optimize the game for a great experience across browsers_/machines/platforms. I have only tried the game on 2PC`s and a MAC so far.  

Submitted (1 edit)


Information: A chat simulation game about online harassment. The story is based on interviews and a cybercrime case. 

I'd like feedback on:  Everything! Especially if the game is delivering a clear theme/message.

The stories are still in the developing process. Any Ideas or feedback is welcome. 

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