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[ ! ] Mid-jam Playtesting (Open Feb 4-5) Sticky

A topic by lysander created Feb 02, 2023 Views: 2,012 Replies: 74
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Game Title/URL:  oh, honey

Pitch/Information: clicker/idle game where you produce honey.

I'd like feedback on: if it's fun and if the increase of stats, costs and stuff are working well, but anything is welcome <3


Hi, I liked how simple it is, you seem to be handling it well. The music and visual design are nice.

I tried it in chrome and it doesn't keep generating honey when I change tabs or windows, I don't know if this is a bug or it's meant to be.

  • Maybe an interesting feature could be skills that benefit the bees or another element of the game.
  • Another feature suggestion, auto buyers.

I think that the beginning goes quite slowly with the progression but it simply depends on how you want the game flow to be. Overall I like the simple graphics and the theme! rly cool :3


Game Title/URL: ChallengeThem

Information: TopDown2D Beat'em up.You're a swordman challenging strong monsters

I'd like feedback on: Is it interesting?What can be improve?The pixel art I made is ok? or is it too ugly? Any feedback is appreciated!

I need help on: I use unreal engine.And is there any where to manually control the mouse capture?Thanks!


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: Grow or schrink to make your way to the end of this puzzle platformer! Made for My First Game Jam: Winter 2023.  In this game you play as a bird who can morph into the appropriatie size needed for the right situation.

Any feedback much appreciated! 


Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hello thanks for having me! It's my first time to make a game, I just started learning Godot last week and having so much fun. 

Game Title/URL: Reincarnated As An Adorable Walking Rock In A Peaceful Gardening Sim Game

Pitch/Information: Choose to be Pebble-chan, Rock-kun, or Stone-sensei. Walk around growing plants and enjoying nature sounds.

I'd like feedback on: I'd love to know if you find the game cute and chill so far. Not yet sure what else I'll add, probably more options for plants and decor... hopefully also animals and a day/night cycle. Open to any other feedback and suggestions.

I need help on: I'm unable to get my custom cursor image to work, not sure why! Using Godot on Mac OS 12.6


Hi, the game works well, I like the visual design. I don't know if it's just my problem, but I hear the sound only from one side.

It would be nice to add 8-way movement, personal opinion.


Thanks Emy! I'll look into 8-way movement.

Oh nice catch re. the sound! You're right, the birds and the lofi music only seem to be coming from the left - I hear it in the browser version and also when I play the game here on my laptop. Unfortunately not sure how to fix it! Inside Godot editor the sound works fine. I've tried reimporting the audio files with "forced mono" but that still hasn't fixed it.


Game: Growing shooter

Information: A simple 2D top down shooter where your character grows with time making it harder to avoid enemies

I'd like feedback on:

  • Possible errors
  • How does the player controller feel
  • Is the gameplay at least semi decent?

In general any feedback is appreciated :3


Hi, I found the game fun to play.

You could add that enemies decide to cross an edge if the path to the character is shortened by doing so, assuming it's not a feature that they don't decide to do so.


That seems like a cool idea to make the game more fun. Thanks for the idea!


I would probably add a cooldown to the shooting as if you click extremely fast your pc may combust into flames with the amount of entities moving on the screen.


I'm actually doing that as I'm reading this comment haha

Great submissions so far. Keep up the great work!


Game Title/URL:

Pitch/Information: I needed a super simple game mechanic in order to be able to get close to actually finishing something. So given the theme, I thought why not build a mechanic where you need to grow larger and shrink back down to hit targets.

I’d like feedback on: Anything really. But I am considering using the mouse to grow/shrink instead of the up and down keys. This would work by holding down the mouse to grow and letting go to shrink. My concern here would be that the shrinking feels less in your control.

I need help on: If anyone has used Godot and knows how to fix the CORS error I seem to have with my exported game that would be grand.

Thank you


Game Title/URL:
Pitch/Information: Leave a trail while moving, trap enemies into your trails and survive 
I'd like feedback on: Is the game fun or the mechanics are understable?
sorry if my english is bad

Unfortunately I didn't complete my game in time for the jam, but it was still a great experience and I had lots of fun playing and reviewing everyone elses games.  I'm excited to use my experience from this jam to participate in the next one!

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