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[DEVLOG] Sweatshop "Sunshine" : A Totally Ordinary Game About Production

A topic by Huggetz created Jan 28, 2023 Views: 1,050 Replies: 43
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Also added object spaw-in to the game. 

Now I have to add enemies to the scene,  some orphans to collect after you finish the level, and also a way to enter/exit the level.


Wellp, by the end of today I have:

Character controls, 

Enemies most basic AI (just follow and shoot, didnt develop it much tbh)

Room creation, including the sewer manhole through which character enters/exits the level, and almost completed placement system for enemy spawners. 

I have to make: 

Enemy loot,

Orphans you collect after you clear the level

Sweatshop itself with at least the most basic crafting + expanding of the shop

More enemies

I also seem to have some stack overflow errors every once in a while, def have to figure out what to do with those :D

Submitted (1 edit)

Also Unity just screwed me with the scene saving and now I lost the game's scene. 

I mean It's made of prefabs and completely generates from scatch each time so I hope it won't be difficult to rebuild :D

Edit: Actually aside from lights and post-processing everything got fixed with me placing 1 prefab...


Added the most important thing - orphan collection. 


  • inventory system to save materials/items you make in your sweatshop/ all other stuff when I add it
  • Spawning enemies using placeable spawners (like that garbage box on the GIF)
  • Interaction with the level exit point

Game starts to get more of a bullet-hell vibe, so to support the fast-paced gamestyle I added this little arrow that points to closest enemy, and then towards doors/manhole when you clear out the level.

Now I have to add:

  • Sweatshop scene
  • Item crafting at a sweatshop
  • Some stores to buy stuff
  • More enemies
  • Opening cutscene and menu
  • Music and sounds

I'm also not sure how to handle level changing. Each room is pretty easy to clean so I want each run to be made up of different rooms. But, I'm not sure whether to make a limited amount of rooms after which you  return to the base, let player go until they die and save collected stuff at the end of each room, or give player option to return to the base to save items and if they die - dont save what they collected.


Sooo you can check out the progress here now!

Submitted (1 edit)

New features: 

  • Enemies can drop items,  which are then stored in the inventory (not yet saveable or visualized)
  • Enemies have shadows
  • Scene outside of the sweatshop as the starting scene, to start fighting creeps go into the sewers on the right

(Not much in this scene also, will continue development with the inside of the sweatshop, then will think about outside stuff.

  • When you die you return to the starting scene (placeholder for now, this may change)

Want to check it out? Game is playable in the browser right here : 


a game post-apocalypse , is good. good luck


Added insides of the sweatshop, also linked all scenes together. Gonna add more lights in there, make a crafting system, and then implement UI and save-loading.

woah, is good the arena. continue !


Wellp, crafting system is ready! You'll have two places for crafting - assembly line and armoury. 

On assembly line you'll create products for sale and crafting materials, in the armoury - weapons and upgrades for the character. 

Most crafts open with the certain amount of orphans collected, but you do not spend any orphans on crafting them. You will also be able to sell most things you craft on assembly line using the warehouse, which I am currently developing.  

Armoury is not operational for now either, cuz I didnt make any new weapons yet :D

Also implemented save-load system. To save and load.

After implementing warehouse I'll make a dialogue window and start making main menu, opening cutscene and music, and also enemies and maybe weapons. Depending on how much time I'll have 


Wellp, adding the dialogue system was... More challenging than I expected :D

I mean I already had everything I needed pretty much ready, but then I had to add a way for some dialogues to be activated only at certain points at the game. And also only once. That means I needed to save/load the checkmarks for them.

Created a dictionary for that stuff, took a bit of work to figure it all out buuuut now it works!

Plans for tommorow: Main menu (finally xD) and music + sounds. 

For music imma use 1BITDRAGON (Check it out here, amazing tool, recommend to everyone)

And for sounds there's this cool plugin for free LMMS software, called sfxr. It's pre-packaged and lets u make 8-bit sounds pretty easily, so it's a great tool for an indie developer! 

After that I'll focus on adding new enemies/items/weapons. As much as I will have the time :D


Made some music today! 

Used 1BitDragon, its extreeeeeeeemely awesome for this kinda stuff :D

Naturally had to make sound settings for the game, and also the system to actually play them sounds. 

Also, completed main menu. It's just bare-bones New Game/ Load Game / Settings for now, with monotone background. 

Maybe I'll draw backgrounds for the menu if I have time xD

Now I'll have to make new weapons and items for crafting, also new enemies. 


Just realized I don't actually have any rogue-like features in my game. Oh well...

Gotta add some power-ups then, but im not quite sure if I'll have the time. 

Maybe the cool idea will be chance to find special orphans that will give you power-ups for the run...

Also if we're talking power-ups, there's gotta be enemy strength growth when you finish levels. 

Have no idea if I'll be able to finish all that before Sunday xD



cool ! now the enemy can spawn ! decoration and enemy and spawning player and exit ! continue.

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