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A jam submission

RUNAWAYView game page

A young girl RUNAWAY from an evil orphanage​. Luckily she finds a new home
Submitted by Fidel Delgado, cristianlavadob — 1 day, 1 hour before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#653.7373.737

Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Cristian Lavado has written his composition in hand and later did the production in reaper. The idea is to give the listener the feeling of being home, but something is wrong. This is represented in the high frequencies which gives the impression that something truly is wrong.
All songs by Fidel Delgado were composed using Ableton Live 9 as showed in the YouTube playlist (screen recording).
The song RUNAWAY features a female singer, AK, who beautifully encapsulates the feeling of a lonely girl in an evil orphanage. The lyrics is written by Fidel Delgado. The recording is by Fidel Delgado as well. RUNAWAY attempts to give the listener a deeper understanding of the girl’s situation and feelings.
The Escape is when she decides to leave the orphanage for good. She successfully smashes a windows and escapes.
The last song is a new beginning that’s why its titled A Brave New World. It’s a reference to Aldous Huxley book from 1932. It invites the listener to a new world of sounds, harmony and a familiar leif motif.

Thanks for listening
Kind regards
Fidel Delgado and Cristian Lavado

Message from the artist:
Girl runs away from orphanage to find a new home


Picture theme

How does it fit the theme?
It fits in the theme because the girl is running away from her orphanage (home) to find a new home

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

the last song wil be added later.

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Love this OST. Good composition, and the singing was a really unique touch. Good work!


Nice percussion! My favorite part was the piano section in HOME. That was beautiful! Thanks for sharing!


Nice soundtrack well made, my favourite is Escape, good work!


I ma really impressed ! I'd say my favorite one is "RUNAWAY". Those little dreams really drives me and then : BOOM : the voice come in ! great 



Really interesting take, a lot of different dynamics everywhere, I was never bored. Good orchestration, sometimes the percussions are a bit too loud compared to the mix but other than that it fits really nicely. Well done !


Very well done! I'm totes jelly of your orchestral work - great sound!


Woah! I really like how in the first track, HOME, I do hear the "feeling of home" but something really was wrong with the minor chords (if that's what they're called) and high notes, which is really creative! I've so far heard 1 other person doing something close to this.

The Escape and Brave New World gave me chills! Great Job you two!


Righty oh, So this comment is being written whilst I listen to each track, to keep each opinion fresh in my head. (Also excuse any spelling or grammar errors, I want to vote as many songs as I can, so proofreading went right out the window)

This one is going to be a fun one so lets start.


I feel like this would be the main menu theme, showing a rustic black and white photo of a young girl holding a stuffed teddy bear, sitting right next to a window watching the rain. This song alone has already sold me. It is so far the only track I've heard that actually made me kind of sad. 4.8 / 5.


At first, I wasn't sure how this would fit as HOME made me feel like this was more of a horror game. After a few seconds of thought, I felt it would be a great song to use during a cut-scene,  where it shows the little girl coming back to her lonely room after being bullied by staff and other orphans.

I felt like the vocals where slightly off beat and I do believe I heard a slap sound at the end of the vocal part, though I could have just been hearing things. I'd give it a 3.8 / 5.

The Escape:

I don't really have much to say for this one. I imagine this would be played after the girl gathers the things she needs while avoiding detection from staff (I should mention this would be at night time).

Since the door is locked and guarded, the girl decides to jump out via a window, explaining the glass shatter at the end. I'd say 4.3 / 5.

Brave New World:

I would use this for a scene where the little girl is running down the lit streets of the town. Being at awe with the world she was never able to see. I couldn't help but notice there was a bit of aliasing at the end of the song which broke my immersion into it. I'll give it a 3.9, Only because the aliasing kind of bothered me, if we where to ignore that then I would give it a 4.2

Overall, a damn good soundtrack, HOME is still my favorite of the bunch but Fidel did a pretty good job with his/her tracks. I enjoyed almost every second of it, only being slightly irritated by a few mixing errors because they took me out of the experience I was enjoying.

This review? is already getting pretty long so I think I'll leave it at that.

Overall I'll give it a average of 4.5.

Good luck to both of you :)

~ Star