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Light AgainView game page

Fight to bring back the light into the world
Submitted by GeneralAnimal, mixofoss, yogo456 — 1 hour, 2 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme interpretation#1433.1313.131

Ranked from 61 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Theme interpretation
Bring back the light by shooting for the moon!

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Really cool game! I love the art and the characters created, the final boss is awesome!

Music and landscape kind of reminds me to the good old Shadow of the Beast. The controls feel fine, though I wish our character could shoot on the air.

I enjoyed it! Good job!


I really enjoyed playing the game, I wish there was a melee ability added to the player but overall good job.


Gameplay: The movement was good and both of the shots worked well too. I was doing the boss fight and I died as I killed him with the moonshot and I had to replay and that was kinda annoying.

Graphics: The graphics were good. The art all fit with the game.

Audio: I liked the music and the jump sound affect was surprisingly good.

Innovation: Its a platformer.

Theme: Bring back the light by shooting for the moon!

Overall: Really nice game!!!

Can you try (and review) my game?


Thank you for the extensive comment, glad you've enjoyed the game overall :)
and will do :)


it was fun even if it was kinda easy. But the animations were great as well as the noise


Thanks, Im glad you have enjoyed it :)


You have been able to create a lot of content within a month. Good work


Thanks, we've put in about 220 hours of work into the game over the month, hope it was worth it haha


Pretty solid submission! I had quite a bad time with the collisions against some of the walls, but it wasn't a big deal.

I would love to see some visual indications for receiving damage (for both the player and enemies).

Another really cool thing to add could be diagonal aim for arrows, but maybe it makes it too easy.

Congrats, it's a nice piece of work!


Thanks, glad you've mostly enjoyed it, and thank you for the feedback :)


The graphics, musics and sound effect are very nice! :-)

Something that I found missing was the possibility to shoot while jumping: that would make the game more dynamic. If you are afraid that it could make the game too easy, you can try to make the arrows be affected by gravity.


Thank you for playing, I am glad you found it enjoyable :)

Its not that we thought it would make the game too easy, we just thought of jumping and shooting way too late into development (We thought about it like a few days before the jam ended). We had a lot of other stuff to prioritize, like the music and the sound effects (I started composing the music 2 days before the jam ended! lol)

If we had more time, I would have definitely added the jumping and shooting mechanic :)


Hey there! I tested the game and find below my review video!

1:00:36 Light Again


Thanks for playing, the review is really awesome! :D

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

You can check out how to beat the boss here :)

Final Boss Walkthrough


I liked the spritework in general, but animations felt weirdly placed. Also, there's no impact or indication to attacks or getting hurt. UI and message boxes don't fit with the general artstyle.
The enemy and level design need some work. There's a part where you "need" the moonshot to kill a lot of owlmen, but if you used it before in some other level you have to die to recharge it with the initial enemies. Except the "mage" and the final boss, owlmen don't feel like enemies at all. I was starting to question why I had to kill them, being so docile, hahaha
Audio was ok. I don't have any comments about that.
It's cool that you managed to make a boss fight and that was what I liked the most. The attacks are telegraphed well and the amount of challenge feels right. Wished there was some indication that my arrows hit the boss apart from the healthbar going down.
In short, this looks good but feels a bit off. I'd say it has potential.


I liked the retro vibe from this game.  I wished too I could shoot while in the air ;) Boss is hard


Haha, and I wish we would've ADDED mid-air shooting :)
Thanks for the review, glad u enjoyed the game :D


Very nice and clean game. I wish the character movement was a little less floaty and there was some attack cancellation. But still Great job!


Thanks for the feedback, we'll most definitely address these issues post-game-jam :)


Really nice game, I enjoyed the boss design although I did wish I could shoot while jumping, great job!


I am glad you have enjoyed it, thank you for playing :)


Good game, I really liked the boss battle design and the art. Good job!


Great! I am glad u have enjoyed it :D


This was pretty fun! The controls felt a little stiff, it was unclear to me whether one could shoot while jumping because sometimes it would, but usually not. I also wish you could interrupt the attack since it is slow, as it often leaves one stuck in the way of enemy attacks. I really liked the artwork here though, as well as the music and boss!


Thanks for the feedback :)
How do u envision the attack cancellation? You'd start the attack, press an arrow key to move, and it would cancel it? Or did you have something else in mind?


Yea, I would imagine it as the attack being cancelled when you move.


Really well done game. Very complete feeling. I liked the lag in shooting, made for a good level of challenge. Clear theme and storyline. The boss fight was a great level of difficulty.

My one suggestion would be a more progressive level design. I think each level the player should learn or develop one particular skill, and practice and master the skill to be able to complete the level. Then the next level can build on that. It would help the levels feel more varied and engaging.


Im glad you've enjoyed the game, even the shooting part :D haha
thanks for the level design idea, it sounds like a good one, that we just might use in the future! :)


Awesome game, great job. The main improvement suggestion would be that the camera should follow the player, each time you fall because you are not able to see forward. The sounds were awesome.


Thanks for the great feedback :)


Very cool game! I especially liked the stylish design of the owl people and fighting the really well-designed boss. The graphics and sound (nice music!) are immersive and I would be interested to find out more about the story (interesting concept but could definitely be fleshed out more in my opinion). Mechanically it felt like the character was always a bit slow to react to input, which was particularly noticeable whist shooting arrows (the inability to break out of the attack animation made me prefer to run past enemies instead of fighting them). I would suggest you add some more 'punch' to the arrows by using particles/knockback as visual feedback for hitting an enemy.

The boss fight was definitely the most fun and best designed part of the game, which made the sudden end afterwards feel like it came all to soon. I could certainly see myself playing more of this game!


It warms my heart to read comments like these :)
First of all, thx for the feedback, much appreciated. I would have loved to add more particles and more indicators, but time just ran out on us. We had bigger features to implement.. I wrote the music 2 days before the deadline, and a few hours before the deadline, there was still a bug where you could shoot arrows through walls! The last week or 2 of development were an uphill battle against time haha

I would love to continue development of this game, outside the scope of the jam. You can add me on discord - GeneralAnimal#9783, so you can get updated on the status of future development :D


Fun game, I enjoyed playing through it, very polished.  Some slight quibbles I had were, I would've liked  to jump and shoot, and sometimes the camera position made me feel like  I was taking leaps of faith. Also I used my moonshot at the wrong time, which meant on one level I had to keep getting killed so I could try it again and build up enough moondust.

But overall really fun experience, great job!


Thanks a lot, appreciate you for not giving up and collecting more moon dust! :D


The game looks great, the moonshot ability is pretty cool too. I think the best piece of feedback I can give is that the camera could use some refinement. I can tell that there's already a good amount of design to it with the way it shifts between horizontal views and how it pans up or down depending on where the character is standing or jumping. However, there were a few spots where you'd run to the right on a platform to the edge of the screen, and immediately after panning the camera the first thing that would happen was the platform would end and I would fall down before having a chance to react.

Anyway, I used lots of words for that. All in all you lot have a good game in your hands. It's very complete and has a start and finish. Well done!


Haha ur words are appreciated, and I think I know what spot exactly u r talking about :)
We've spends d-a-y-s creating the camera, this is as far as we've come without losing our mind haha
Thx for the feedback :)


I really liked the artwork and the music! They were really well done. It was a little hard to turn around and shoot the owlmen when they were following you, but otherwise was a fun platformer! Would love to see more enemies and levels!


Thank you, Im glad u enjoyed the game :D
We might just continue development after the game jam, u r more than welcome to follow me if u r interested in more levels :)

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