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Corona Escape MissionView game page

We have to get to the moon, it's the only safe place from Corona!
Submitted by Bastian Top — 4 days, 10 hours before the deadline
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Theme interpretation#933.3683.368

Ranked from 57 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Theme interpretation
We have to get to the moon, it's the only save spot from the Corona virus!

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I'm having terrible performance issues, not only the framerate is bad but there was a lot of input delay. Sometimes, I would let go of the button but the action would not stop. I'm trying to run the game on linux with wine though, but the webGL version is even worse. Maybe if you had a Linux build I could run it?


Ah right, I never though of porting it to Linux as well. Good point, will look into it!

Sorry for the performance issue, in webgl it is hard to play indeed, a the platforming is tough. Some food for thought for my next Jam for sure!


So, I finally booted it up on windows to play it. I think the divide between the physics controls sections and the platforming sections were a neat idea, it's like those games that dabble in different genres and gameplay sections. It's good to keep a good pacing, and I think you did a good job on the controls of both sections. If I would point out problems, I think the biggest one was not being able to see where the rocket is landing, each first time I felt like I was setup to die so I could know where to angle the rocket next time, there was very little room for reaction. But yeah, I can see a lot of care were put into the platforming controls, you had dash, wall jump, moving platforms and even the janky physics platforms. Good job!


appreciate the thorough feedback and also that you tried it in windows! Kudos 😁

Some topics to improve for sure 👍


Really cool concept and nice combination of platformer and rocket gameplay. The rocket wasn't very intuitive to control and quite unforgiving but I got the hang of it after a few tries. The art, lighting and FX work is really solid though to me it feels a little inconsistent in style. Some of the sound effects do get a bit on the repetitive side but not a deal breaker. Overall I enjoyed it and it's clear you put quite a bit of work into this so good job!

As has been said the browser performance wasn't so great which dampened the experience for me but hey at least you had a web build!


Thanks for the great feedback, I appreciate it! For the next Jam I will improve! 


I was not good at flying the rocket!
But I wanted to keep going and the mix between that and platforming was a great idea :)


Thank you for trying it out! I know myself that I want to move on to a next game fast if things are too tough, For a Jam it is really finding the right balance. Hehe


Think it's been said, but amazing art!  The little flurries in the air are a great touch, and great amount of effort put in for a game jam, particularly.  I found controlling the rocket a bit unforgiving at first, but nothing I'd object to.

Frame rate is a little chopped for me in browser (Edge), not sure what's causing that or what engine, but it (or something) created a slight lag in the control.  I'm gonna try the downloadable version later, but these are picky points, nice job!


Thank you for trying man! Browser performance was an issue which I could not fix before submission unfortunately. I made a note in the description as well about it. But defo something to improve upon in the next Jam!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

BEAUTIFUL ART! I really liked the dialogue and the concept of trying to get the rocket to go further and further up to get to the moon.

Had a bit of difficulty with the wall-jumping, but that might just have been me having a tough time hahah


Haha thanks for showing it in practice! The wall jump as well as the rocket do need some time to get used to... I think the difficulty for the Jam was a bit too high. Thank you for trying though! Much appreciated!


I love the art style and there were some great special effects and lighting as well.  Controlling the rocket was tricky, but I'm sure with more practice I would have gotten better.  Great work!


Thank you for playing and the feedback! 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I made it to the Moon! I had a great time playing. There were some challenging moments, it took me a few tries the climbing lasers spiked walls at the end :S. Great atmosphere, nice graphics, good difficulty progression and enjoyable mix of mechanics.

Great work!!


That is awesome man! I had small hopes that someone would take on the full endeavor haha!

Thank you for playing man!


The game looks very nice, but my computer is not good enough to run it at full speed :-)

Nice job!


Thanks for the feedback! Will take it to the next Jam for sure!


Absolutely love the concept and how it relates to the theme.  I also really liked the rocket gameplay, but some of the platforming mechanics were pretty hard for me!  Still, very nice looking and great game.  Really enjoyed watching your YouTube reviews of some other games too, hopefully you'll get a chance to check out mine!


Thank you kindly for checking out the game! I realized that the game is a bit too hard too late! Once you play something 100 times you start thinking that it's too easy haha I will check out your game for sure! I will have another video session over the weekend I think!


Took me a couple tries to get going in this game -- I got in a situation where I exploded, then came back and was controlling both her and the rocket at the same time, so I couldn't get back into it.

After I got that sorted out, this is a pretty cool mix of platforming styles. The art is pretty cool. Very charming. The audio had pockets of really good with some small parts that were a little repetitive (like the jump SFX). Handly little tip is to have a couple and just randomize which one plays for a given sound effect. Even slight differences really improve things.

But a very cool and unique entry!


Thank you for the thorough feedback! Yeah I could reproduce that bug as well, couldn't fix it in time. Will  take this feedback to the next project for sure!


This game was sooo cute! I'm horrible at platformers, so I'm not going to say it was 'difficult to play' because I can tell that's just my fat fingers, but as an artist I can definitely say that the art was fantastic, the little girl is designed beautifully, and I had a giggle at the 'woosh' sound when jumping. x') Thank you for playing The Ogi, by the way! Have a good one!


Cool that you gave it a try and thank you for commenting on the Art, even though it takes me a decade to put together anything decent when it comes to art haha


Oh you coded + did the art ? Wow! No it was amazing, it definitely didn't hit me as typical 'programmer art' at all. Your art and coding is fantastic!!! I love that you did both the jobs so well yourself, kudos to you dude! 


Yeah, I am not a hardcore coder as I mostly use playmaker besides some coding on the player controllers. A great enabler to make making games easy!


Really fun game. The graphics are very cute, loved the story, and the two mechanics work well together. The game was a bit laggy through the browser, though.


Yeah, need to improve browser performance! Thanks for the comments though! Much appreciated!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I like the idea of flying a rocket in between platforming sections. The art style is very vibrant as well.  

However the rocket flying parts seems to be too difficult right off the bat. The third landing pad seems to need exact control to land and the lack of checkpoints to save progress make it frustrating.


Thank you for the nice feedback! Yeah it was too hard, will add more fuel and better controls when I update it sometime!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Title made me laugh when I read it lol. It was nicely made all around (best part is the graphics which are very nice), though I played in browser and it was a bit laggy as expected. I crashed the ship so many times :D


Yeah I need to improve the performance! Will defo do this for the next jam! Thank you for playing and the kind comments though !


Funny concept with all the pandemic going on. I liked the idea, but the platforming was quite hard and I got a game over as soon as I landed in the first area after flying for a while.


Thanks for the feedback!


Looks fun, but some performance issue playing on the web so I kept falling to my death.


Yeah, it becomes really hard when playing on web! Will have to optimize this for my next Jam!


The platforming was fun, but I was never able to make it to the red place. I don't think I have the reflexes needed to bob and weave. If you iterate on this game in the future, a nice feature might be letting the rocket respawn at the closest platform.


thank you so much for playing! I will look into it!


That's a really cool Idea, really loved the integration between the mechanics!


Thank you for trying it out!

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