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Dynamage DemoView game page

You're a wizard in a world with realistic fluid dynamics for air and fire! Don't get burned by your own heat!
Submitted by WizardGameDev — 1 day, 14 hours before the deadline
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I enjoyed it. Graphically it looks nice and the gameplay loop looks like it has promise so I'm looking forward to when the environment interactions are a bit more developed.

I liked that playing with fire is a balancing act where it has to be close enough to you to grow but not too close so that you burn yourself. I think when the flame is far away from you it should do almost no damage otherwise it's unfair to the enemies.

Would be better if the flame produced more light even when it's smaller and farther away from the player. It would make it easier to get oriented. As it is right now it's not possible to get a good light while walking.

Wind simulation is impressive and the grass physics are cool. I'm not sure if it's intentional but the wind can be used to give the player a speed boost. 

Don't know if there was any point to the weird multicoloured patches of ground.

The music is not grating but repetitive which could discourage from playing for longer periods.


Nice. My main issue was finding my way through the dark caverns - I feel like even weak fire effects should maybe generate more light. Surprisingly managed to not burn myself to death. Getting a good flamethrower going was hard but satisfying. But I mostly just flambé'd the goblins directly because it was simpler.

Only real bug I noticed was being able to summon winds in the void outside of the caves. Unless the glowy stuff in the caves isn't supposed to look like it's glitching out of this universe.

I do wish the wind wasn't quite so weird looking. You need a particle that visualizes it for gameplay purposes, but if it picked up motes the color of the underlying dust instead of the rainbow particles we have now, that'd be a big improvement I think. Or maybe a Wind Waker-style white swooshy shape.

Anyway I rate it great/8, but you know I'm biased.


Kino progress. Now you need to start pumping out gameplay.

Physics can sometimes glitch out. You can get stuck while standing next to the body of water next to a cave exit with some wind, until you blow so much of it, it rips you out of there and throws you across 20 meters. Some wind movement doesn't ever gets dampened and stays as perpetual vortex.

There is no music, but instead an odd thump or metronome? It's annoying. Some of the visuals are screwed, bright purple lines, etc. I found it a bit weird how you can just hover your fire on a goblin on the other side of a wall to kill it in a few seconds. That's true even if they're in pursuit of you, insofar there never seems to be purpose in engaging with the big fireballs if you only want to kill. The caves are too dark, even with a portable flame you have to be wary of then walking into said flame. I'd much prefer a faint point light on the player.

All that said, I still really like the concepts and look forward to more of this in the future.



i found the writing.

i hope you will add more magics to interact with the world aside from burning everything to a crisp


More magics are in the works, including things that aren't directly burning everything to a crisp and some that are burning things to a crisp *but different*!


Thanks for playing!


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Played roughly 10m.

My first Thought was that I didn't look like a Mage. Pointy Hat might be better then Cowl(?).

Obviously I immediately burnt my House down, then myself.

There are some blue Lightcubes which look incredibly buggy and give off Way too much Light. Wind also lingers too long I think.

Music is if I recall correctly generated? It becomes a bit annoying after a while.

Burnt pretty much everyting I think, kept burning myself.

I think the Fire needs to be a bit safer to handle,  maybe just be bigger further away, so I don't have to constantly burn right in my Face to kill Enemies when the Floor isn't burnable.

Otherwise, needs more to do I think, maybe some more Firepuzzles with the Candles?


Burning down your house is an important introduction ritual!

I plan to totally replace/redo the player character model, yeah- he needs a proper spiky hat.

The blue lightcubes looking that shitty are an artifact of the current light system - I'm working on improving that, it should be better next DD.

Yeah, the music is generated - in the long run, I plan for it to react and shift based on where you are and what's happening, that should stop it being repetitive.

For fire - the game needs some tutorials I think, or maybe more puzzles will help with that - the idea I was experimenting with is that you shouldn't be able to just nuke enemies from a screen away, you have to make fire dangerously close to yourself and blow it at distant enemies to flambé them.  I'm going to keep experimenting with this, and there'll be more varied kinds of magic/actions you can take in the game.

Candle-based fire puzzles are in the works, and yeah - there's a lot more Stuff to come!

Thanks for playing!


i scorched myself and then subsequently all that was around me within 10 seconds.

next round i got to a beach and made too much (?) wind pushing myself into a corner (trying to clip into the ocean) and could no longer seemingly affect the wind with leftclick, or make fire with rightclick 

but now i get how to use the fire and wind together, and that fire is stronger near yourself. neat game and concept, it feels good to torch a room. I'm excited to see what you'll do beyond burning things


The wind thing at the edge of the map is a bug and will be fixed next DD, and the character collisions with the edge of the water suck ATM - I'll work on those too!

I'm glad the room torching feels good! I'm looking to add more things that interact with wind next, projectiles and puzzles and so on, including more kinds of magic (force fields, stonebending/making walls of earth, laser beams), and a more in-depth magic system. 

Thanks for the review!

(2 edits)

I really like the concept, could go extremely far and I hope you end up doing it justice. The one idea I would personally like to see is noita-ish interplay of elements and physics objects.

The thing I’d focus on next is the combat (damage feedback, some non-beeline AI) and getting some sounds in.

Music is a certified schizocore banger and would go harder with a mute button.

Is the framerate capped somehow? I get only 67 FPS. Also I think the (game green thing) cursor should always be visible.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I'm absolutely aiming for the noita-ish physics-world interactions!  Especially objects being moved by the air, and moving the air in turn...

Yeah, more interesting enemies enemies, projectiles that are influenced by the air, sound effects, and better feel in general are all on the list of things to do.

I am glad the music is memorable.  (I'll add a volume menu).  A fun fact about the music is that it's generated by this function:

Hence the schizocore.

The framerate's capped, yeah - I haven't uncapped it / disconnected logic frames from rendering frames yet because a lot of game-relevant computation is happening on the GPU and a lot of data is going from the GPU to the CPU - it's complicated.  It's something I'd like to fix if I can without making the performance very unpredictable.

Thanks for playing!


Cool! Why do some areas seem to keep your flame small perpetually, while some areas seem to grow the flame massively immediately? Also, is there a respawn button I’m missing?


The flame you add to the world is bigger when you add it right near you and smaller if you add it far away.  Also, grass can catch on fire and burn which makes for much more fire!  So if there's nothing to burn, and you're adding flame far away, all you'll get is a tiny flame.

Sorry, there's no respawn button in this version, you just have to close and restart the game!

Thanks for playing!


Ah, that makes sense.


Very neat, not much gameplay but I know you've been enginedeving this so I'm sure it'll come together.

Did encounter this weird ground texture in the altar(?) room, not sure if intentional, also some wind particles stuck in the wall.


Yeah, I'm enginedevving for bigger worlds right now and once I have that working it's content pump time.

The texture is intended!  The wind isn't, though, I fucked that up. The edges of the map are meant to be 'read-only', but it looks like I accidentally made them writeable, so you can cause ongoing winds at the edges of the map...

Thank for playing!


The fluid dynamic (Or whatever you call the magic of creating fire tornadoes) is a lot of fun, goblins are not the challenge, the challenge is to stop yourself from turning everything into fiery inferno.

The way wind spreads through the environment, including caves is for lack of the better word magical. The only major downside is how easily my character dies. I do understand part of the gameplay is to keep him alive but introducing more spells, and allowing player to warden himself while bringing inferno to gobbos would be most welcome.

Extremely impressive work.


I'm glad the fire/air movement comes across well :)

Yeah, I pumped up the flammability of the grass for the demo.  I want to add a) more dangerous enemies and b) spells/abilities that are a bit less likely to destroy you - laser beams/lightning that can catch things on fire, but not necessarily near you, physical projectiles...  
Longer-lasting spells to protect yourself from the consequences of your actions are in the cards too, so that you can be running around in fire (for as long as your mana lasts!).
Thanks for playing!



Fling Fire and Wield Wind!

You are a Wizard, on holiday in your delightful shack.  But you hear something grinding and crawling in the nearby caves.  Go in there and burn everything to death so you can enjoy the beach in peace.


RIGHT CLICK conjures fire.  Fire burns things and causes light.

If you conjure near yourself, the fire you conjure will be much more powerful! 

If you conjure fire further than an arm's reach from yourself, you will only manage a pitiful flame, fit only for lighting candles and giving dim light (or really pathetic damage).

LEFT CLICK and DRAG stirs the wind.

WASD to move, ESC to quit the game.

Fire is moved by the wind; you can conjure fire while blowing it.

Grass can burn. This can be both good and bad for you.

You can burn. This is mostly bad.

You can light candles on the floor, but watch out- you can blow them out, too...

(This version of the game is certified 100% functional!  By which I mean it runs on my machines.  If it breaks (like it did catastrophically last DD) please tell me.)