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EgogiaView game page

A meditative 6DOF for cave diving and ascension enthusiasts
Submitted by Ryan Trawick (@aynik_co) — 2 days, 10 hours before the deadline
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I collected eggs until my hurt.


Thank you for your sacrifice.


My legs are indeed ok.

I had really bad screen tearing until I turned on v-sync, an option for that ingame would be nice. Also invert mouse y-axis. I like the aesthetics but it can get very confusing what is a wall or not with all the overlapping lines, the second area was a lot better in that regard. But I didn't feel like there was much of a reward to going deeper into the caves compared to the danger of both hitting walls and the timer running out before you can get back. I mostly grinded the closest areas instead but quit before unlocking the 3rd, I think my eyes started to hurt hehe.


- zip the game folder, not the files (correct:, wrong:
- very cute aesthetic, always missed it in games
- not sure how I feel about the low vision range and instant dis/reappearing  
- text is tiny on 1080p
- let me pause the game and not hit walls to write this text
- 400 balls is way too many, I lose interest instantly due to how slow the collection is
- at 30 I'm already disengaged and need 250 to buy something and the collecting isn't even exploring, it's more optimal to stay at one pool and circle around
- got to 100, no more thanks

Game was at 95% excitement from starting to running the PC thing to get balls and dropped to 5% after seeing I need 250 of them. The aesthetic is well fleshed out both visually and auditorily but I'm not grinding for something I don't even know if I want mechanically.


I haven't played enough to unlock all of the terminals yet, but enjoyed what I've played so far

 At first I had trouble discerning the location of walls, but after getting used to it, the controls feel pretty smooth and the ego collection is pretty calm and satisfying. I don't have too much to say about the game since the enigmatic nature of some mechanics and objectives is part of the appeal.

I really like the visual style and overall atmosphere of the game.