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A member registered May 28, 2023 · View creator page →

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To be honest, I found the game frustrating, mainly because of the awkward jump. Not to say that there weren't any good points, like the visuals and music, but it was confusing for me to get through.

Nice game, the visuals are a little basic, but honestly I shouldn't be complaining when the main character of my game is a square with eyes. The gameplay is also pretty fun, I liked your implementation of the theme.

Nice game, it reminds me of an old flash game I used to play. The visuals are simple, but nice, and the audio is also great too. My main issue is that the cutscenes are too quiet, and it would have been nice if there where some sound effects related to what scene is being shown.

Other than that, great game

Cool idea, held back by my inability to use WASD, 8.5/10

Interesting concept, and decent execution, 8.3/10.

6.5/10, great presentation, especially for a first game.

Oh yeah, I would also recommend changing the cover of the game, to make it more appealing to players, making more people play your game.

When I read, the description, I knew that anything I said about this game would just be information you already have, which wouldn't be helpful. What I will say, however, is that this game is presented great. It's rare for a new developer to make a game with even a little polish, let alone on like this. However, and this is based on personal preference, It would have been nice if they movement keys where binded to both WASD, and the Arrow Keys, instead of just WASD.

(1 edit)

Nice game. Interesting decision to combine top-down gameplay with gameplay of a platformer, similar to Zelda II now that I think about it. I can't really review the top-down movement, but I can review the platformer movement. It's fine, I like the crouch jump from SMB2, and the glide is also a pretty nice mechanic. It would be nice if you could shoot while moving however, more like a Mega Man game (wow, that's 3 NES game references). Other than that, the visuals and music also are also really good.

Also, I must know where I can buy comically large cheese.

Great game. It has nice visuals, nice music, the gameplays fun too, however, there's just one thing that's annoying about the game. The fact that the controls are limited to WASD, when it would have been better to have the option of both WASD and Arrow Keys. Also, I would personally bind item use to a key, like Z or X. This is, however, personal opinion and preferences so it's not really that big of a deal.

Nice game, 6.8/10

Nice game you have here. I like your implementation of the "unstable" theme, and I also liked the little opening cutscene.

Hey, I want to see if there are any cool platformer games that have been uploaded, mainly because that's the genre I'm best at, along with racing games. 

Also, because I'm not going to give myself the chance again, here's a link to my submission (it's a platformer, so it fits the theme)

Great platformer you have here. The visuals are great, the music is great, and there even aren't any really major problems (although a return to level select button and a HP counter for the boss would have been nice.

Quick question, where did you encounter a "brown door"? There is a dormant grey robot on the far top right area, but I don't recall adding a brown door.

Yeah, it's weird they made it like that. Also, i believe you can go into the extension behaviours itself, and edit it yourself.

Nice game, sometimes the collision doesn't work properly, and sometimes my opponent decides they want to face palm into the ground at full force

Cute little game you have here, nice music, and the visuals are decent. However, the controls are way to fast, especially for the smaller sprite of the cat. Other than that, great game.

Great game you have here. I love the art style and the music. However, the enemies are really annoying to deal with, making it very hard to escape one while taking no damage. Other than that, great game. Bit simple, but sometimes thats what the world needs.

It's an ok platformer with an ok gimmick, but  some of the jumps end up being blind jumps, which can be very tedious. Still, the concept could be fine tuned.

Oh ok. Interesting.

Says submitted.

Your good to go.

Yeah, that happens sometimes, it's annoying, but you get used to it soon enough.

Challenge, why because I'm bored.

Find the two secrets in the game.

The first requires no particular amount of core parts, and isn't to far of from a required area.

Second requires getting 21 core parts, and going through a secret exit (disclaimer, you won't be able to submit to leaderboard if you use the secret exit.)

I dunno, it says you submitted.

This is peak soviet media. I'm sure Mr. Stalin would have appreciated your contribution to the Soviet Regime.

Wait, does the zip cotain only the index.html file?

If so, you have to zip the whole folder.

You need the other files for the game to work.

Try sending a screenshot, that might help.

1. You have to press the box "play in browser" when uploading


Not to be rude, but this would have been really nice when the jam started, not when there's only 1 day left.

Glad you enjoyed the game. There are 21 Core Parts as a requirement to go through the yellow portal, and see the Easter egg. You only need 20 normally.

Also, what do you mean by closed door? Do you mean the yellow portal, or the grey robot you might have mistook for a door?

Wouldn't normally do this, but I didn't have much time to play test my game properly, so here's the link. Also thanks.

Crazy I made this around a month after doing Sensor Testing Grounds.

I got bored, so I made this. Crazy, right?


(2 edits)

This game needs is a bit of polish, and it could be a pretty ok game. But now, it's fine for what it is. I do question why the player character looks like Piccolo, but other than that I only have one really major complaint. No Ditto :(

Oh yeah, also the game lagged for me, just thought I should mention that.

It's a confusing game, but with some strategy, you can get through it. Not bad for a game made with Gdevelop.

It's a simple Warioware style game, but with the theme of the battery of your phone.

The game is good, although it can do with some polish, and music.

Also, it took a while for mini-games to load for me.

Wouldn't start for me...