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A member registered May 15, 2018 · View creator page →

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Nice! This is a really clean entry.

Hardest thing with these jams is having any kind of immersion and polish to them, but it doesnt feel like you cut any corners here. Great work.

*also, appreciated the honesty with when you worked on it, can't see anyone minding at all :) 

Awesome work! Amazing what boundaries can be pushed in just 560 chars.

Inspirational stuff

Great work! I really enjoy playing GB Studio games, it's great to see people still want to develop for it. This is a really well thought out game, the story had me hooked and I couldn't help but stick with it until completion. Loads of clever secrets to find, a worthy Game Boy title that is as good as any original cartridge!

Thanks! A regional thing I think, In the UK it's Wally :)

Really fun little mini-game!

I think Splinter Cell had something like this one its games. It brought back memories!

An RSS feed for game jams would be very helpful, for some jams people attach a hashtag which works currently, but some jams dont have that.