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A member registered Apr 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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glad you enjoyed my game!

haha, it kinda is possible to cheese the game with it. i wonder what i could do to balance it.

thank you for the thorough feedback!


fixed in the post-jam version:

aww, too bad.

thank you so much!

the stage 2 freeze is fixed in the post-jam version available on the official TIC-80 website:

iI look forward to trying out Dark Energy in return, i'm sure it's a fun game too!

the collisions are actually pixel-perfect in this game. the player has a 2x2 hitbox that is tested against the pixels of the screen when rendering. the colors of those 2x2 pixels determine whether it's a death or not.

with regards to music, i am limited by TIC-80's sound capabilities. i can only use simple waveforms, which may sound harsh to some players.

ah, yeah, the shoppe UI is quite experimental, it's probably not using good UI practices.

good that you were able to figure out the main character. and it means a lot when someone says they *love* my game.

your previous reply is my favorite comment so far, it warms the heart

tell you what. i'll link you the post-jam build, with fixes to 5 found bugs and other improvements:

would love to hear what you think of it!

i'm honored to hear that, Niko!

hey, appreciate it!

it's been fixed now, the update will go live once the voting period's over.

getting coins has been made easier after you played it.

glad to hear you enjoyed my humble game!

I've now located and fixed the issue.

I will release a post-jam version featuring bugfixes and improvements after the jam's voting period is over.

(1 edit)

however, due to the recursive nature of the game, dying's not a huge timewaste

thanks for your positive comment, it brightens up my night.

yes, some attacks are unbeatable, as they're procedurally generated on levels 2 and beyond. i have no way of combating this as a programmer.

You're the third person this has happened to - I'm investigating the issue.

Yep, this is a known bug, there is no solution yet.

wow, glad to hear!!

yes, some out-of-bounds bugs have been noticed by playtesters. will investigate & fix.

> Finally, you have several projects listed that are not credited to you. The four games on top are from verysoftwares.

verysoftwares and Leonard Somero are the same person.

how did that happen?

oh dear! i'll look into these, thanks for reporting.

(2 edits)

however, pressing Z in the summoner orb window is not intended to be a puzzle - that's an actual design flaw, a miscommunication on my part. that will be fixed in the next patch (which is a hotfix coming soon).

i think these things are part of the puzzle aspect of the experience: you hear rumors about upcoming game mechanics and decide whether to act on them. but if the overall view of these rumors is negative, i will consider spoiling them in-game. thank you for playing and giving feedback, it makes all the hard work worthwhile.

can i help?

ah, you press Z to choose who to summon. 

it shouldn't end there, i wonder what happened.

Enter it.


Press Enter.


Ah, thank you for that. Now psy-ball works great on Firefox!

Hoo yeah, new torcado game! Came here from my itch notifications.