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Sam Hadding Games

A member registered Oct 09, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hello, I’ve been making video games for a while, and I have made a few gems. I am not asking about finding my games on Search results, but any tips on how to get my games more popular?

My game will be very, very different. It would be more like Super Smash Bros. Nice game footage! It has a very PS1/N64 feel to it! I’ll keep their love of nectar, honey, and vegetation in mind. Also, here’s a picture of my Tinker Bell.

Did you hear that Tinker Bell was cancelled at Disneyland? Well, that was just a rumor, but I DO now have an idea for a platform fighting game I am working on. In this game, Tinker Bell will be a butterfly fairy you can play as alongside 19 other male and female fairies who compete for a championship. Do you have ideas for a fairy you’d want to see? You can base your idea on an insect, flower, element, or animal. They can be lightweight, normal weight, or heavyweight fighters. Give me ideas as long as they are family-friendly.

Nova Boltstar

I made different games, including the game Nova Boltstar, with a similar 90s/2000s flare and even a Trogdor reference in a filter name if you want to play it!

Thanks for the advice! Though I came here not for follows, but to distribute my games.

I have no discord, but you can contact me here. Just to get this out of the way, I will reply to you, not some bot.

Should I allow my games to be downloaded for free if I am unable to pay people I’ve worked on the game with? Or should I leave free downloads out of the question?

Nova Boltstar is a pixel-perfect video game where you play as Nova, a cyborg princess on a mission to save her kingdom, Cybervania, and her brother, Alaric, from the villainous Xandra Blackwood. The game features intuitive controls: use the arrow keys for movement and Z, X, C, V for weapon attacks, each with unique cooldowns.

In the game, you navigate through the Techno Tourney, dodging enemy attacks and engaging in battles. Strategic combat is essential as every weapon has a different cooldown. You can exchange Battle Chips at Arcturia’s Shop by pressing the arrows and pressing space to choose the Battle Chips you want. You can also navigate post-battle menus and game menus by using the arrows and space!

The game also includes cutscenes which are skippable by clicking a button. At the end of each battle, a password system records your progress. Write it down somewhere, and you can get back to the game when you press Continue at the beginning and insert the right password.

If you finish a battle with a complete health bar, you get to participate in a round of Genie’s Wish. With its challenging gameplay, epic battles, and heartwarming story, Nova Boltstar is a must-play for fans of retro video games or action RPGs.

[Music] Hello! I am looking for a composer who can make Beepbox or Sega Genesis-style original music for a game I am releasing on October 2025. I already have a soundtrack, but I came up with the 2-OST idea from Sonic CD.  Sadly, there will be no payment because I am unable to pay money. However, you DO get to be part of an awesome game. It is the sequel to my game Nova Boltstar. You can play it by looking for it on my profile if you’d like! I don’t want to break any community rules with self-promotion. But back to the subject at hand. I could already have an 8-bit NES-style musician for an 8-bit game story within my game, but as of right now, I would like Beepbox or Sega Genesis-style original music. Contact me in the link below, and I will give you a list of required songs and what I am looking for, and some are timed so that they loop perfectly.

Should I worry about hackers and thieves?


Huh? I accidentally set a game to free download once but I never set any games to free download.

Is the payment or donation setting a scam? I don’t want to rip people off or get hacked or scammed myself.

Where can I reveal announcements for new games in development?

You can also make a SEGA Genesis-style OST for Nova’s story if you’d like!

OK! The bad news is that I only made this because I had songwriter’s block in a game, but the good news is that I overcame my songwriter’s block, and I also came up with an idea to have two soundtracks to choose from, like the game Sonic CD! Anyways, my game idea is a sequel to this game of mine, Nova Boltstar, which is about the titular cyborg princess who must stop an evil cyborg princess from taking over the heroine’s kingdom and forcing the heroine’s brother into marriage! The game has 16-bit graphics and plays somewhat like the battle segments of Mega Man Battle Network!

To make things different for the sequel, I will incorporate an alternate story fit for Nova’s non-cyborg brother Alaric after or before you beat Nova’s story. His game was Gameboy-styled, and it featured gameplay akin to Google’s T-Rex Game, Knuckles’ Chaotix, and Sonic Heroes. The game even featured obstacles and enemies and power-ups, and differently-weighted allies who, alongside him, can destroy certain obstacles depending on who you choose.

Now Alaric’s new story will have NES-style colors. Would you like to work on an alternate OST with more of an NES music than my original music? Sadly, because I am not able to pay money, you will not be paid for this. But you get the satisfaction of being part of a game that’s currently in development and aiming for an October 2025 release. Let me know what you think!

I am working on my original OST right now, and some of them will have a time limit. I will get back to you as soon as possible when I am done so I can determine what tracks need a specific time run to fit with cutscenes.

I have one itch user in consideration for an OST, but I can split songs into two lists based on preference if you’d like! Contact me here.

PS This may be the longest post I have ever put on this website.

To be curious, what kind of character would you want to voice?


I don’t have Discord, but I do have this.

Hello! Are you a songwriter/composer? Do you make NES-style music for free? I am unable to pay money, but an NES-style OST wouldn’t be a bad idea as a different style for a secondary story in a game I am working on!

Oops. Sorry. I’m a bit of a new guy here…

Hello! Are you a songwriter/composer? Do you make NES-style music for free? I am unable to pay money, but an NES-style OST wouldn’t be a bad idea as a different style for a secondary story in a game I am working on!

Do you make NES music for free? I am unable to pay money, but an NES-style OST wouldn’t be a bad idea as a different style for a secondary story in a game I am working on!

Do you make NES music for free? I am unable to pay money, but an NES-style OST wouldn’t be a bad idea as a different style for a secondary story in a game I am working on!

Seems I have a lot to learn here…

This is a game, Alaric’s Journey, that I made as a spin-off to another game, Nova Boltstar.

Any ideas and feedback for improvement if I made this gameplay part of Alaric’s story in a Nova Boltstar 2 game?

No I do not. Sorry.

What game jam?
