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A member registered Oct 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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I play your game on steam. It is fun and visually stunning! keep up the nice work! :)

Hey, no I did not set an estimated timeframe. But you can follow some progress on twitter (x), and a sneak peak of the next addon here:

I'll add it to the wishlist ;) but it will take some time for the pack, working on it right now.

hey sazini,

i don’t know which characters would fit. since this is a “mini” set. the included ones will for sure. and probably those from my free game jam assets will do:

hope that helps  for more advanced sets have a look at my metroidvania sets:

or this one

the advances ones will not fit the mini series. but there are 5 metroidvania sets available which share the same tile sizes. by adjusting colors all will be one gigantic set.  



Hey, thanks for the feedback. 
Would you mind posting a screenshot? Since in my view (2k) it looks fine (miniture & fullsize). the actual iamge is 846 px by 316 px uploaded to

appreciate this a lot!

(1 edit)

Hey Suhade,

It's for commercial use:

Wrapped inside a game. You can also alter the ruleset to your liking. Not allowed is use in any AI application or software or upload to those. 

With the set is an included license file. 

Hope that helps.

- Sam

Yeah so there should be implemented a way that it is not. Or give an option at the project page. Which isn't a big deal regarding html and a bit PHP that pushes to the database. 

My suggestion is not to change the metadata but to give people an option to handle their project correctly. Since the behavior right now is irritating and at least in my opinion not right. 

So you actually get the "newest" thread when releasing not when publishing a page - it doesn't make sense to see a published but not released project under "newest" - and if it gets published there is no position in newest. 

Maybe set an option at the project page as "publish now to newest - or - publish to newest on release". That's what I would propose. 

You are right. but in the Assetpack metadata is a release Date setting. You could just use this. And once it is "one time" activated, it's not possible to do again (to prevent spaming the "newest" thread).

This way it would just work for games and assets on release.

I just released a new assetpack and as always I am not really sure if the information and style is what the user wants. If you got a spare minute, please check out the page and tell me your impression.

  • What information is missing
  • Is it appealing to you?
  • What are you missing
  • too much text?
  • what are your initial thoughts

Thanks :)

- Sam

I just experienced this myself. If you release (not publish) a game / asset page, it will be under:

But if you use it for a development log e.g. and then release it, it will not be in the "newest" stream. That's in my opinion a wrong behavior and also hurts the promotion for the release date. I would suggest that it will be re-sorted under "newest" on the release date. maybe it should not be initial under this category when releasing the page, just "if published is true"?

I hope you understand what I mean :)

Hey nice people!

I worked for some time on a new set. More than 5 Years of feedback got into it and I think it's quite polished at this Point. I'd like to release multiple addons so it can grow and I would like to see a lot of people start using it. Since I don't want everybody to pay a huge amount of money, I will sell the base set with 3 fully animated characters and decided to make multiple addons for: animated Enemies, more biomes, ui, items, e.g. later on. So everybody can pick what they need.

It was just released and I hope you like it so I really rely on your feedback, please check it out and spread the word, support an artist and leave some honest opinions :) Also the feedback will be collected for content of the addons.

Check it out here:

2D Metroidvania assetpack

Hey nice people!

I worked for some time on a new set. More than 5 Years of feedback got into it and I think it's quite polished at this Point. I'd like to release multiple addons so it can grow and I would like to see a lot of people start using it. Since I don't want everybody to pay a huge amount of money, I will sell the base set with 3 fully animated characters and decided to make multiple addons for: animated Enemies, more biomes, ui, items, e.g. later on. So everybody can pick what they need.

It was just released and I hope you like it so I really rely on your feedback, please check it out and spread the word, support an artist and leave some honest opinions :) Also the feedback will be collected for content of the addons.

Check it out here:

It will be 10$ for the Assetpack. ;) 

Hey, a new Set will be available next week, including main characters, addons will bring enemies e.g.

New set coming up next week:

I just took 3 years: Available next week

I just took 3 years: Available next week

Hey, next week there will be a new set released, I think you might be interested in this one ;)

A new set including fully animated characters will be available soon:

Thanks for using the assets, I played a few levels and enjoy your game!
It's nice that some levels have extra path so that if you pay attention you can circumstance a way.
It kinda reminds me on the super early super mario world for the original gameboy in that way.

Keep on you fantastic work and thanks for sharing :) 

thanks for the kind words, just take time, keep on doing what you like and don’t let others dictate what you can or can not  do.  and you will succeed. 

hope you like them :) do what you desire with it :)

usually, Yes. 
as for my Assets, you can do this. However there may be other assets on itch which will not allow this. (But I can’t Imagine why some would forbit that)

Hey there :) 
You are allowed to sell your game using the assets and you can distribute it yourself.
The last part just means: You can't tell in the credits that you made the assets by yourself, that's all.

Hope that answers the questions, if anything else, let me know.


thanks so much <3

Thanks for sharing!
This looks really good!

Yes, so all CC Licenses allow reselling. Except NC, which prohibits commercial use. So there is no license available that:1. prohibits reselling and 2. allow use in commercial projects at the same time.
so none of the available licenses on actually work for providing assets for a commercial game.

Alright, then there is no license available on that guarantees people can use assets in their games without breaking a license? 
I updated the pages to all rights reserved. But put in a license. TXT that grants usage for commercial projects as long as conditions are applied.

For the reselling there would be the share alike version with contribution.

Well it's kind of a "gray zone" but nope.
It states the distribution IN another medium, no on it's own. Also there is no other license on as far as I can understand the legal term that would allow to use materials inside a commercial project a.k.a. a game. Without restricting or even prevent the use of the assets.

Sorry but that won’t be fair for those who bought this for their projects. 

I got some free assets up here on itch maybe check them out?

Usually you need years to learn an engine, I just don't wanted to learn one and then being dissatisfied in using it. 

Yeah, I don't put pressure on myself with the game. It will take as long as it has to.
Genre, eh it's complicated. Closest would be a metroidvania I guess but it's also not fitting right into that.

I do love "minimalistic", well let's say smaller resolution games. Celeste. boy, did I love it. Also Dandara is great and Loop Hero.

I tried probably every engine out there and even 5-10 that don't exist anymore. Often I search for specific things I want to have my game included and some are very easy in godot but very hard in unity, the other thing is platform export were unity is king. 

It's like a back an forth. I still don't know if I will keep using unity, but for now it's the only engine that checks all the boxes for be – But I really don't like to use it. The UX of it is just nuts and godot is so much easier.

Well that might also be taste. I work as a Designer and art director in my fulltime job. I also did quite a few apps and stuff and can code Javascript quite well. So a little background I got. I love Löve because it's using Lua, which I just like a lot. It's not because it's a good or bad programming language, it's just taste.

I am working on my own game for 5 years now. It's not nearly close to get a demo. But it will feature quite unique graphics and (I hope) some familiar game mechanics with unfamiliar ones. There are so many ideas that got into that game and it will take years till I can release something. But slow and steady, some day I will release it ^^

You can see a very outdated screenshot at my twitter:, the graphics since then changed and not one of the graphics in that screenshot is left. But well, I keep the minimalistic style.

Hey Wasabi,
I can really relate to what you writing. great that you found your way up till here.
Just keep on doing what you do as long as you feel good by doing so. There may be obstacles come in your way or even people that just want to ruin your day. Don't listen to them, with art: It's like a journey. You probably know that already. And I feel if making art is a journey, then doing gamedev is like a jetride through the solar system. ^^

How is game maker? I tried so many engines,... I felt most comfortable with phaser or Löve (you know just code based). But there are things I could not do with that, so I moved on to unity and godot but I probably do enjoy making graphics way more than coding a game.

What's your story?

Hm, I guess I started somewhat around 2000 when RPG Maker was a thing. Used MSPaint and had no idea that pixelart was a thing, just wanted to make a game. Back then it was aweful and I did not know what I was doing. Then I learned doing music, went to art school (studied design later on) and taught myself programming, everything to make a game.

I started making "pixelart" in 2018, when I was in Australia for some time and back in indonesia. So more or less I did some art for myself when I was traveling around the world and I realized making a game took to much time to make so I decided to release it on

That's the story behind the pixelart I do nowadays. Still trying to make my own game ;)

thanks a lot! :)

Thanks a lot VEXED!
As you can imagine it was really quite a lot of work :) hope it gets some attention around

Thanks a lot.
Regarding the price I experienced a very strong community and sense for "work" on, I leave it up for the tip that someone would give. Using my art is also kind of some appreciation for me.

It's been a while since I released something, so I am really glad this one went live TODAY!
I would like to get as much feedback as possible on this one, so posting here :)
🤖🎮 Discover the Ultimate Robot RPG Pixelart Asset Pack! 🎉🎨


  • 7 NPCs (all got idle animations)
  • 1 Player: Idle, Roll (The robot is on a wheel), Stretch head, twinkle
  • 1 Boss  (3 frame idle helicopter animation)
  • crane character, death symbol, nudge robot (animated)


  • Huge Tileset
  • 6 biomes with different objects
  • pipes, directional sprites, cave patterns included
  • rocket launcher (static enemy for example)
  • some extra sprites for a 7th or mixed biome
  • Different industrial objects, sprites and pillars
  • Mining sprites like support beams

More Graphics:

  • Many Backgrounds included (7 cave patterns with multiple layers)
  • UI included

🔗 Check it out now: