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A member registered Jan 08, 2024

Recent community posts

Hello! My name is Anton, I'm from Russia. I am not a professional artist, but I have a great desire to become one. I am a fast learner and, with the appropriate support, I can master any complex graphics programs. I've been doing a completely different job for most of my life. Now I want to fulfill my dream and start doing what I love. I really love creating New Worlds, creating unique characters, costumes, objects, and environments - from illustrations to short stories. I really like the themes of fantasy, science fiction and the post-apocalyptic world. I really want to find a job in the gaming or animation field.

I am looking for financial support in order to create!I have several projects that can be implemented as comics, as books, as cartoons or even games!

Hello! My name is Anton, I'm from Russia. I am not a professional artist, but I have a great desire to become one. I am a fast learner and, with the appropriate support, I can master any complex graphics programs. I've been doing a completely different job for most of my life. Now I want to fulfill my dream and start doing what I love. I really love creating New Worlds, creating unique characters, costumes, objects, and environments - from illustrations to short stories. I really like the themes of fantasy, science fiction and the post-apocalyptic world. I really want to find a job in the gaming or animation field.

I am looking for financial support in order to create!I have several projects that can be implemented as comics, as books, as cartoons or even games!

Hi! My name is Anton and I am from Russia.My English is bad, so I apologize in advance.I'm familiar with your topic. I was creating a survival rpg board game. I made the whole game out of ordinary A4 sheets of paper. There were more than 1000 action cards in my game. I also created a different type of board game about fantasy mythology. in general, or it's interesting, ask me, I'll share my experience!

Hello! My name is Anton, I'm from Russia. I am not a professional artist, but I have a great desire to become one. I am a fast learner and, with the appropriate support, I can master any complex graphics programs. I've been doing a completely different job for most of my life. Now I want to fulfill my dream and start doing what I love. I really love creating New Worlds, creating unique characters, costumes, objects, and environments - from illustrations to short stories. I really like the themes of fantasy, science fiction and the post-apocalyptic world. I really want to find a job in the gaming or animation field.

I am looking for financial support in order to create!I have several projects that can be implemented as comics, as books, as cartoons or even games!