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A member registered 32 days ago

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Hi everyone! My names Ruben and I'm looking to hop on this game jam. Below is my portfolio. Please let me know if you need a composer for your team!

Discord ruben_skyline_

our team is looking for an artist! hmu on discord ruben_skyline_

Hi there! I can do the music! Hmu on discord ruben_skyline_

let's do it! I'm ruben_skyline_ on discord!

sent you a request on discord!

Hi there! My name's Ruben and I really want to start dipping my toes into Game Jam. Please let me know if you or your team are looking for an experienced music composer! Here's my Soundcloud

Hi there! My name's Ruben and I really want to start dipping my toes into Game Jam. Please let me know if you or your team are looking for an experienced music composer! Here's my Soundcloud

Hi there! My name's Ruben and I really want to start dipping my toes into Game Jam. Please let me know if you or your team are looking for an experienced music composer! Here's my Soundcloud

Hi there! I'm a music composer who's currently looking for more projects to be a part of. Please lmk if you're still looking for a composer. Here's my discord ruben_skyline_

Hi there! I'm a composer that's been looking to getting into Game Jam. I'm currently working on a game called Bridgebourn but was looking for some more work. HMU on discord! ruben_skyline_