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A member registered Aug 12, 2016 · View creator page →

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We have just released a new game template called Recoil.

Recoil is a game template for Unity and is the result of a partnership between BYTEMAN and Playniax, with BYTEMAN providing the game mechanics and Playniax supplying the underlying frameworks.

You can play the WebGL demo HERE (probably works best on desktop)

Android APK demo HERE

Get it HERE


There is now a SCI-FI theme version available.

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Hello, everyone!

I've just released a new theme for EasyGameUI (formerly known as SimpleGameUI). This release also includes a simple demo platform game. EasyGameUI is a fully functional UI template and game manager for Unity.

You can purchase it HERE or see it in action HERE

You can find the generic theme HERE

Stay tuned!

Working on a new boss...

Here is a little update...

I have added 6 new attackers to the Galaga Essentials. I was mixing up the art from our spacepacks 1 and 2 in combination with the Galaga pack to prototype this project but with the new sprites it will have a more consistent look.

I also updated the other asset packs and added a tool that I have named the SHMUP Builder for Unity. I wrote the docs for it but I will add tutorial videos in the next couple of months. More about the SHMUP Builder here.

And I als got around coding a new boss and this is now included with Space Pack 2

I have added tons of new features "under the hood" and got carried away (you probably know how that goes).

This means updates to the framework too so I will upload the news version to the Unity store as soon as I have updated the docs on it.

One thing I have added to the game is a Space Invaders-ish part and again it amazes me how brillant Space Invaders actually is.

I will post some stuff soon...

Anyway, here is how the show in the game looks now:

I like those games where you enter an upgrade screen or shop and the game is not paused but slowed down so I added this option too.

Here is a first look at the (ugly but functioning) shop and I will ask Peter to create some nice skin for it:

I got the shop running but not ready to show and I needed time off from the shop stuff so I experimented with physics to create bouncing balls.

This will make it in the game at some point.

I wanted to expand the choice of weapons for the player and I wanted something powerful.

Most upgrades happen by collecting them while playing but I am also going to create a shop because the player can also collect coins.

Once the player collects enough coins he or she can use them to buy a weapon in the shop.

I am in the process of adding 3 new items and 1 of them is a rotating energy beam showing in the animation below.

I think it looks pretty awesome ;)

Got the coin "system" working.

Now I need some extra weapons that can only be acquired in the shop (before I create the shop UI)

Last week I started working on a new space shoot 'em up template for Unity using the Galaga EssentialsSpace Pack 1 and Space Pack 2 available at the Unity Asset Store.

The template will be part of the Playniax Space Shooter Construction Kit that we want to release in 2023.

The Space Shooter Construction Kit will also include the SimpleGameUI and various other Playniax Framework components.

We are also considering to release the template as a game on various app stores once completed.

The template is a top down shooter based on Galaga and other classics and will showcase our asset packs.

Enjoy the first playable WIP HERE to get an idea.

More Playniax assets HERE



Hey thanks! Yes, the music was made for the game Galaxy Protector and was composed by Reyn Ouwehand. You won't be able to find it because it belongs to the game.

Thanks for that. I wil have a look at it.

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Thanks PaulsGames, 

Doxygen looks promising and I will explore it when I have a bit more time.

If I ever release my tool for the public it will probably only support Unity and it is a fun project to do but it is still very rough around the edges to use.

Hi all,

I am the author (or one of the authors) of game assets that can be found under the name Playniax on and the Unity Asset Store.

We are a 2 men team.

Not only do we sell graphics but we also sell game templates, frameworks and other useful stuff for Unity.

These products need documentation and so I got this idea for a documentation generator a while back.

DocMaker (for lack for a better name) takes comments from your scripts and converts it to a HTML based page or pages.

I couldn’t find a similar tool that could do the job for me so I created my own and for now it is only intended for internal use at Playniax but I may take the rough edges offin the future and release it to the public.

Do any of you guys know a similar tool and do you think people would be interested in such a tool?

If will probably turn it in to a commercial product if there is enough interest.

Anyway here are the latest docs created by the DocMaker.

Best regards,



Playniax introduces Galaga Essentials for Unity.

Galaga is arguably one of the best games ever made.

Galaga Essentials contains the necessary assets and code to create a Galaga type of game.

Go ahead and make your own masterpiece!

You can buy it here (Unity store is pending approval)

See it in action here (play by pressing mouse down and move mouse)

Read the docs here


Thanks, I will post something here within a couple of days on how to use them. First thing to mention that for now the pack is mainly an asset for the graphics and that all the scipts included are meant for showcasing. However it has a little bonus framework called Ignition inside that I intent to release as well including documentation soon (still working on it). I will draft up an example for you on how to use the particle engine that comes with Ignition. Give me a few days.

The explosions are not animations but particle effects.

These space packs also include a little framework called Ignition and was written to make the assets come to live. Although most of it's scripts and how to use them are intuitive I thought it coudn't hurt to make some short tutorial videos. I have finished 3 right now and will add more.


Thanks. I didn't know Lethal Judgement but had a look on youtube. You are right it has the same vibe...

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If you need space shooter art for your project have a look at our latest releases!

Get them HERE or HERE

Available for Unity Demo 1 &  Demo 2 (demo's work best on desktop) and as standalone zips for your own engine.


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We are pleased to announce the release of a new art pack called Space Shooter Art Pack 02 for Unity, a 2D space shooter construction template.

All the basic behaviours for the enemies are precoded.

Backgrounds are also included!

The art was used for our Defenstar and Revengestar games. 

Here is the Unity WebGL DEMO (best to run on a desktop computer)

It also contains the first version of a little framework called Ignition

Ignition features

  • Bullet Spawner
  • Object Pooler
  • Sprite Collider
  •  Simple Space Shooter Enemy AI
  • Optimized 2D Particle System (uses the object pooler)
  • And some other useful scripts.

Single files for most of them but animations are on a sheet

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Hi guys,

Just letting you know that we released some new asset packs.

You can find us here here

Playniax can also be found on the Unity Asset Store


You could cover our game Revengestar. It's out for Android and Desktop. iOS is coming soon! Mobile versions are free, desktop version not but I can provide it for you if you want.