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A member registered May 16, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey there! Sounds awesome.

Can you reach out to me on twitter with a price proposal? My twitter handle is @pigdev

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Hey there! I made a video rating the jam's submissions. Here's yours(video will come out May 28th 11AM GMT -3)

Yep! On rewards give access to the whole product.

So, if you managed to get a keys, congrats and welcome! We will need your feedback :)

It's an the animation editor you can set an animation to be Autoplay.

Please, do take the time to learn the Godot Engine editor.

Turn on "Autoplay" on the animation's editor

Yes! But is not a priority at the moment.

As soon as I make my course, which will use most of these recipes, they will be up to date, at least code-wise.

Regarding the book content itself, it may take more time.

The course project will start next month and will be available here on itch, so stay tuned!

Hmm from what I can understand you don't have a programming background, right?

Check out this series of mine, where I talk about inheritance, this may help!

Hey there, you need to select the .zip file instead of the folder. Take a look at the latest video to understand this process better. The following link you guide you directly to the section of the video where I import some assets into a project:

Hey there...does your card emits any report? The only country I know has issues with payments is Brazil.

What about trying again

Hey there, thank you so much for your support!

Could you post an image of the error?

3.5! The Platformer Essentials Cookbook is up to date with Godot 4, tho

They are superb, tho. Thanks for sharing!

I love it! The art direction is really on point here and the mechanic is good. You're really in to something here, Ben! I'd suggest balancing the initial stages to smooth out the game progression. But things are in a good direction here, for real.

Hmm, that's weird... could you try to acquire it on Ko-fi instead?

Someone acquired a commission using stripes there, so I think it should work

all good!

Tho, don't hesitate to reach out to me if you need some help with this 4.0 endeavor 🐷👍

Yes! All recipes are made using Godot Engine 4.0.

I highly recommend you trying to apply the knowledge from GDQuest on newer versions of Godot. If I'm correct, they will update their courses to Godot Engine 4.0 anyway.

Tho, besides breaking changes, the changes are interchangeable. We can go through the process of applying the recipes from the book into 3.5 if you're willing to. We can do that gradually through Discord :D

I sent this email to all customers that bought the book, please check your spam box if you supported the book previously.

Otherwise, if you are still to get the book, please support it with the respective pledge to get access to the files you want.

The 2 free files about the Bump Enemy are free samples from the actual book.


I sent an email to all customers about this issue. You can check your inbox and reply to the email to get an access key to all previous and future files.

Everything is explained in the email, thanks for your patience! 😅

(1 edit)

Hey Ragell!

Thanks for reaching out.

Could you contact me through email? I'll provide a personal key. You can reply the recently sent email as well, check your inbox!

If you want it to be private, you can follow these steps to find the reward and fill the "Recipe request(subject to review)" field:

Otherwise, yes, you can use the comments. No problem 😅

hehe, I'm proofreading! It's halfway done, I just finished the PathFollowEnemy recipe, there are 5 recipes left.

I'll write an update post about it! Sorry for the lack of communication.

(1 edit)

Hey there! Thanks a lot for your support 🐷💜

Buying one of the Godot Essentials Recipes ebooks gives you free access to the BUNDLE.

The Bundle, which will be a single ebook, will be a standalone product. So buying one ebook will give you access to it once I publish it.

Each ebook until then is a standalone product as well. This way, people can buy just the one that actually interests them for a lower price, as the bundle will be a bit expensive.

Nonetheless, you get a 25% permanent discount on all future releases of the Godot Essential Recipes until the Bundle comes out.

So, you sir(or miss) can access this very Platformer Essentials ebook with 25% permanent discount. Reach me out on Discord or Twitter so I can give you the coupon link 🎉

That's awesome!!

I've been waiting for something like that for quite some time, and I'm really happy it is out for testing.

Next thing in this direction would be a section on our creator's page and something like a /blog URL so people can directly access our top-level posts.

But as it is now, it's ALREADY an awesome step.

I aways referred to as a "YouTube for games" and this looks like another step in this direction!

ohh, this is a complete different product 😅

Besides I helped Nathan with those courses you've mentioned, they are mainly curated and designed by Nathan himself.

These ebooks are my first actual entrepreneur endeavor, so expect them to have some different directions and more of my own flavor on them.

(1 edit)

Heheh, the upcoming ebook is 10 Essential Platformer Recipes, which includes player movement, and basic enemies(goomba like).

There's one planned for a further future about 10 Essential Enemies Recipes based on Scott Rogers' Level Up book. Just hold on!

Hey! Thanks a lot for the feedback. I'm really glad you liked it. Proud it helped you, that EventPlayer one is REALLY cool. Especially when you have most of your game systems set, then you just orchestrate them.

Thanks! I guess 😅

 Hey there!  If you are  Brazilian I also accept Pix.  PayPal has an option to setup credit cards, tho!

You will have access to THE bundle once it releases. It's a single bundle with ebooks from this series, including the ones above.

The bundle is planned to happen as soon as I have the eight cookbooks published.

Until then, each ebook is a standalone product that gives access to the bundle once it releases.

Nonetheless,  new ebook releases are likely to have discounts for previous customers!

Ohh what a surprise! I'm glad you enjoyed it! Really appreciate the feedback! ❤️

Thanks! Really glad you liked it! 🐷❤️