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A member registered Jun 18, 2023

Recent community posts

Thank you so much! Oh honestly this is a great idea, I think I'll actually try it out and even if it's not something that I can post to itch it would still be a good learning experience. I appreciate it!!

Thank you for your response!!! Seriously, this encouragement is so refreshing and means a lot to me. I'll hope to keep you posted, and I'll carry your encouragement  with me❤️!

Thank you soo much for your message! Honestly, seeing these responses gives me more courage than ever and I'll keep it close to me whenever I feel down about my projects. Let's keep working on our journeys! All the best to you and your endeavors too🤞!

Wow! Thank you so much for your insights! I'm very grateful for what you've said and I can already see a few improvements I can make to my attitude in RPG making. Coding and level design in particular might be some challenging aspects for me since I don't have a lot of experience with it, so I'll for sure keep your pointers in mind. I'm definitely going to go bit by bit to keep my motivation high and not to bite off more than I can chew. Although I don't expect it to be easy, this is a great place to start. Again, I appreciate it!

RPG Player Survey Completion Needed

Hello! I'm currently in the works of my first RPG and I need assistance in choosing a specific direction to head towards. Therefore, I decided to conduct a survey in order to get conclusive answers for some of my burning questions. If you have the time, pretty please fill in my survey. I'm just a frail little aspiring developer in need of a starting point. 

Link to the survey is HERE! (I promise it's virus free pinkie swear)

The survey is 100% anonymous  and I would greatly appreciate your honesty. Since I'm also an artist in my free time, I was thinking of giving a 10% discount on future commissions for completing the survey, but I've barely set up a system for that yet in the first place so if that ever decides to happen in the near future (i'll probably update this to announce it) just message me that you've completed the survey and it's done! That's all I can offer at the moment and there is a chance that might not be the case, but I'd still really love feedback. Can you tell how desperate I am?

On a serious note, if anyone who has any pointers to developing in RPG Maker MV, I would also appreciate that help! The internet is so full of tutorials that it's easy to lose sight of the basics, and you can often get lost with no starting point. So if you have any tips, please message me! I also have a discord profile (@nicochism) that you can contact me on (although I'm a full-time student so I'm unsure of how active I can be).

(I didn't know whether or not to put this topic in this category and this is my first post, so please forgive me if I've placed it in the wrong place. Let me know if it belongs in a better place!)