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Your opinions and feedback are welcomed and appreciated to improve Nightscape. Fill in the survey here to let us hear your voice! Also, remember to join our Discord server to stay in touch with us and become a member of the community!

Hi All, I've recently published a demo of Nightscape, a 2.5D puzzle adventure. We have worked on the control of combat (bow & arrow) to make it intuitive, and the next step is the enemy behavior design. 

The combat will not be too heavy for an atmospheric game, but we want it to be fun. Any feedback on how to improve the general design? Should we embrace a more complicated system?  How do you feel about our mini-boss fight? Any feedback is welcomed (including what's not about the combat)!

Many thanks in advance!


Nightscape is a 2.5D atmospheric adventure where you wield stellar powers, explore an ancient Arabian land, and overcome deadly creatures.  Come and playtest our Early Pre-Alpha Playtest Demo!

Join our Discord server to stay in touch with us and meet all the amazing people in the community!

(2 edits)

Your opinions and feedback are welcomed and appreciated to improve Nightscape. Fill in the survey here to let us hear your voice!