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Lost Generation Games

A member registered Apr 02, 2015 · View creator page →

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Who is planning on doing more work on their project? (I Am)

I think it would be cool if, for the exhibit at the museum, the players could select different versions of each of the games if there are multiple. Would be a cool insight for an average visitor to see how development evolves over time and I think would make for a very unique exhibit!

IDK if there are plans for building a custom launcher of some sort of what (I know we've got a mixture of executables and web games here), but maybe we could talk here a bit about what the exhibit should be like!

Game is set to restricted for now. password is:



Would love to have a custom user-created levels feature in this. <3

okay there was a bug with the browser version but a hotfix is up

Glad to hear you didn't get too frustrated...  Let us know what you think of the new keyboard controls and single player difficulty!

Thanks for writing about this! Its always great to see studios who've found some success "sharing the spoils", so to speak, in the name of transparency and betterment of the community. 

Hi Mikhail,

Our team could use some help in the sound department if you are interested. I am a programmer/designer and I have a programmer/ artist working with me. Would be interested to hear more of your work. Feel free to send me an email if you haven't found a team yet:

-Mark Willson