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A member registered Feb 16, 2014 · View creator page →

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No worries! Thanks for fixing it and well done, this is a very good pack!

You're free to use my assets and pack them into a bigger set but I would absolutely appreciate credit, and you cannot license them CC-BY 4.0 as mine are CC0 licensed. Meaning you can't put a more restrictive license on them. Thanks!

Hey, no worries! The pink triangle means it's a block that's only available in the Deluxe version of Asset Forge

Would it be possible to hear a preview? Thank you!

(1 edit)

Awesome! Yeah it's vital when people want to use your content, without a license it basically means that it can't be used for any purpose.

I've shared your pack here!

Could you include a license with this, like CC-BY or CC0? Thank you!

While scaling, hold CTRL

CTRL + D works to duplicate blocks, it'll immediately create a copy in the same spot

You can adjust the size of the grid by changing the value in the upper left corner, models created using Asset Forge are compatible with nearly all game engines including Unity, Unreal Engine, Godot, Roblox and more. Not sure if you're facing a technical issue? Let me know and I'll try to help!

The material (MTL) file has no material, so it won't render in Asset Forge. You'll need to make sure a material is exported with your OBJ file.

Hey, can you share the OBJ and MTL file somewhere?

This has now been fixed in Asset Forge 2.4.1, sorry about this!

That's weird! Could you somehow share or send the file?

That option is already available in the configuration

I'm afraid no additional languages are planned, sorry!

Done, thanks for the video!

Unfortunately not, the game is only available in Dutch


Erg goed, mijn favoriet is RedCat maar AmsterDoom is ook erg leuk!

Very good, hopen dat spelers de instructies lezen en de game werkend krijgen! Game geeft echt wel Davilex vibes :)

Goed gewerkt!

Het ware verhaal achter A2 Racer & Davilex (deel 1)

Het ware verhaal achter A2 Racer & Davilex (deel 2)

Polderpioniers: Davilex

BeeldBreak Podcast #18 - Milan Pollé over Davilex, RedCat en A2 Racer

Control Gamelab #1 - Terugblik op A2 Racer met Davilex-alumnus Igor Frid


It depends on where the pivot point of your model is, that'll be the center of the block in Asset Forge

Textures aren't supported for custom blocks, they have to use materials with colors however not textures as UV maps are overwritten by Asset Forge

You'll have to disable any sort of compression or filtering in the engine you're importing the asset in. Hope that helps!

It's alright to ask here and there, it's absolutely not alright to spam literally every submission with a copy/pasted comment in a section which is meant for feedback and reviews. Sorry, it might seem harsh but I feel it's absolutely warranted in this case.

Almost every submissions we came across we noticed a message from you begging for people to check out your submission, it's common decency not to do this. We can't guarantee a fair vote on your submissions anymore and thus it has been disqualified.

Spam, you spammed the review sections of other submissions.

I couldn't find the rules, are there any? It's not possible to play this game without

Hey, rating other games isn't to promote your own game - just a FYI