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A member registered Sep 08, 2017 · View creator page →

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thank you for playing ! Rini appreciates you 🫶🏽

thanks so much for playing! I’m glad you enjoyed the dialogue and art (by me!)❤️🥹

thank you for the compliment about the art (that was me :)) I wanted to do a game other than just water, and the word aqua is short for “aquamarine” as well as water. To me if it were mandatory to do water, the word would have been “agua” 

Grandmama appreciates you! ❤️

super cute game! lovely graphics and simple mechanics. its a bit challenging, but could see myself playing this, especially on a phone! (hint hint)

thank you so much for the detailed review and feedback! It totally means the world to me that everyone is experiencing my characters🥹🥹. I’ve love to expand upon the game more specifically in the overworld farm, Ples stay tuned! 

thanks so much!! I wish it did apparently that’s included In “mechanics” 

thanks so much for playing and the kind words! We defiantly want to add more to it! 

Super cute graphics and animations, and the concept is also unique! i had some difficulty with he sensitivity of inputs when hitting the targets, but other than that great game!

thank you ! 

THIS IS SO MUCH FuNNNN. i love the idea! it sso goofy and bright and wonderful. excellent game !

I noticed it says don’t work with people you USUALLY work with, but does that mean you cannot work with someone you’ve only done 1 project with? As in the team HAS to consist of only strangers ? 

Thanks ! 

hello! I’ve been doing game jams for a bit now and would love to participate in this one. Mental health awareness in video games is a great way to spread the word and I have some creative ideas in mind.  I’m 25, and would prefer to work with someone experienced! Please check out my portfolio for reference and account. If interested please do on dc : limpkayla

do you guys think utilizing the color “aquamarine” representing “aqua” counts for the theme ? Wanted to think outside the box :)

oh no! Sometimes it takes a bit to load try chrome if you aren’t already! 

super cute concept and game! good work!

thank you for playing! There was supposed to be music but there was an error adding it in. ;(

you have to match the bait to the correct occupant, it takes some trial and error! 

Thank you for playing! the objective is to catch all 8 occupants. them getting reeled in is based off how well you do on the rhythm game, however I know some of them move way to fast.

Super Polished game for only 7 days! i couldnt get past 3 cuz im a dum dum. Good work! i agree the use of a mouse would have been a bit better than wasd.

hi! I sent a request on dc, I love your music and think it would be a great fit for the game my team has! 

hello I’m Kayla,I’m a seasoned artist with a lot of experience in game jams. I’d love to join a team with wacky ideas, and something out of the norm that’s a fun game. Feel free to check out my games  

Would prefer someone who has some experience in jamming/game dev.

My itch is

my portfolio is

Please DM me if interested in discord : limpkayla

hi, idk if your still looking for an artist, I specialize in 2D art both pixel and traditional, please feel free to check out my portfolio . My discord is limpkayla

I also have a lot of games made for previous jams

hi! I’m an artist still looking for a group, I sent a friend request !

hi sorry I already found a team!

hi, I’m looking to join a team as a 2D artist! My portfolio is I have a lot of experience doing game jams, hmu on dc:


thank you for the feedback! 

also if your ever in need of a 2D artist id love to make a game! i think we had the same humor in big googly eye creatures.

FINALLY, FISH LAND IS HEREEE. and it did not disappoint. i loved the adorable animal crossing sounding npcs, and the design overall. the ground moving static effect did mess with me a bit, but i assume that the art style. took me a minute to get that green fish but was happy to see the outcome when i did. if the whale is happy so am i :)


haha I love this!! 

(1 edit)


hello! I’m looking for an experienced programmer and others to help create a fun beautiful game! I have a lot of experience doing game jams as you can see in my profile. Below is my portfolio as well

If your interested dm me on dc or here 

Dc: limpkayla

oh no! I’ll be sure to explain it better in the controls that you control the jellyfish, thank you for playing🙏🏽

hey! Thanks so much for the recommendation , I’ll check it out!


hey, im not able to play the game after downloading, it says press start? i plugged my controller in but nothing happened.

WOW! i loved this game a lot! probably the most polished game ive played thus far. everything felt very responsive and smooth. Loved the art style and  mechanics. Id love to collaborate with the programmer or artist of this game for a future project :)

whoever is ranked 6 gotta be banned bro

thank you for your feedback! that is the plan to make it mobile friendly, just currently researching how to do that!. and yes i just realized i should have written hold space bar in controls, which i now did!