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Josep Valls

A member registered Dec 24, 2023 · View creator page →

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Twisted controls, great game nonetheless!

I love your work. I’ve been using it for a couple game jams. I used it as is for this jam: Now I’m trying to work a little bit on pixel art by de-mastering it for the Lospec jam 2. Thank you so much.

(1 edit)

I love your work. I’ve been using it for a couple game jams. I used it as is for this jam:

Now I’m trying to work a little bit on pixel art by de-mastering it for the Lospec jam 2. Thank you so much.

We have been discussing continuing the game with the teammates and what you mentioned are definitely things we have listed. Glad to see there is interest and overlap with what we had in mind. Thanks for your feedback.

Of course!

Those are great suggestions. We ran out of time but we’ll try to incorporate those after the voting period.

Thanks for reporting that bug. We observed some small issues with movement once the sub gets crowded and actors don’t have space to move. Haven’t seen them one. We’ll try to improve that and fix related bugs.

There are 3 after the tutorial. The last one is very difficult and only beatable if the RNG is very favorable. We need to work on adding mechanics and making some interesting balancing of later levels.

There are a bunch of enemies that if you attack Will become aggressive and overwhelm the screen with bullets as a consequence. We wanted to do much more but didn’t have time.

Nice. I just wish there was a warning before enemies come from behind.

A little confusing at first but a very interesting idea.

I love the visuals and audio. Great work!

Great visuals, nice audio and music, interesting gameplay, well balanced, one of the best entries I played so far.

Great game. I almost wanted to type exactly what CGpepper already wrote before ;)

Pretty cool visuals and very different from most bullet-hell games. I really like the robot asset, may I ask what is it?

Great visuals. I’ll root for you in the Narrative Design Awards 2024

Great twin-stick-like game. Loved the art style.

Amazing jam submission! Great work!

Building the nest and getting a little helper was a nice surprise!

This was a great entry. Good job!

Thanks! I love your art style!

Of course, should be linked right there, no?

It looks great. The control choice is interesting but it didn’t work well with my mouse.

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FTL was an inspiration. We also wanted to as some darkest dungeon but ran out of time. Balancing a quick and comprehensive tutorial is something we want to look into. Thanks for the feedback.

This was done among 3 people (across 3 countries) and we did do everything end-to-end, from brainstorming to art.

I loved the visuals. I was just left wanting more of it ;)

It’d be great if you could incorporate the tutorial into the gameplay. I was very confused about what to do. Still, liked the retro vibes a lot.

It looks promising but something is off when trying to play the game. Updates are forbidden during voting but you should try to fix the size on the page which I believe is allowed.

Much better :)

Nice game!

I love sandbox games with emergent gameplay and this was a great experience. Simple but effective.

I love this kind of games. I grew up with the incredible machine. This is a feat in a game jam.

Did you get to the end? Keep an eye on the game after the voting period. We have so much more we wanted to add but didn’t have time. We will try to keep building it.

I am a sucker for tower defense games. This is a fun spin on the theme.

This is increadible work for the time-frame!

Very simple but satisfying. Great work!

Great visuals and presentation. I was a little confused on what to do, I think it could benefit from some in-game tutorial.

I loved the style.

The pixel art in this game is top notch. Great work!

Nice work. Lots of variety in catch for such a small game!