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A member registered Jan 23, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great!  I'm about to get on a plane for a bit of an extended vacation, and I'm not taking my laptop (where I keep & regenerate the source for that site).  So, it'll be a couple of weeks before I can do this.  But it'll be high on my to-do list when I get back!

Say, would you mind if I link your game on ?

What a cool game!  My score is 15390.  :)  And FWIW, it's running fine in the browser for me (but good on you for making downloads available too).

I love the music, and the ghosts following you around and aiding you is really neat.  I feel like I probably could have made better use of that than I did on my first play-through.  Which means this game has some depth — I can imagine you get a lot better at it with practice!

Great work!

I love this!  It's like cookie clicker but with zombies!

Ran fine in the browser for me (Firefox on macOS).  A love how as you upgrade the zombies and the people, the graphics change too.  And the hand-drawn style all fits together very nicely.

Are there sound FX?  I didn't hear any, but then I had my sound turned down a bit because I'm playing in a public place. :)  I'll try again later with earbuds.

Great job!

Web build working fine for me too!  Fun little game.  Love the invisible crane!

My high score so far is 1421, but Imma try again, I think I can do better!

This is really cute!  Very polished.  I'm not a huge fan of WASD+mouse shooting in general, but in this game I don't mind it so much.  The balance between exploration and "combat" is nice — and I absolutely love that you're not really fighting, you're just cooling the babies slimes down.  Brilliant!

Cool game!  I found it pretty hard, but I can see how with practice I might get decent at it!

Not bad!  It was easy to pick up and pretty fun to play.

Oh!  I had my hands on the keyboard to play, it never occurred to me to try the mouse!

Haha, everybody's loving that death animation and I just threw that in as the simplest thing I could think of!

Thanks!  Mario Bros was a definite inspiration here.

The key on those is to just hold the jump button down!  Don't let go of it until you've reached maximum jump height (which will be just high enough to get the gems).

Cute game!  Runs butter-smooth for me.  There was no background music in the version I just downloaded; I had to hack the code and change the volume on line 26 from 0 to 0.25, and then it was grooving!

The controls feel good, and after a few tries I got the hang of it.  My high score is about 5200.  How'd I do?

I think this as a really nice first effort!

Hey, let's get a web build up here!  Instructions are at, and if you hit me up on Discord tomorrow I'll be happy to help.

Cute game!  Easy to pick up and play.  The lava is very pretty, too!

There's a lot to like here!  The sounds are very pleasant and polished.  I like the parallax scrolling on the grass and mountains too.  The helicopter growing is neat — it's fun to think about stuffing people into it, actually making it bigger, like stuffing fluff into a pillow!

For me there seems to be no effective end to the game, because every trip out and back, I gain more time than it cost.  It's not at over 2400 seconds, and I'm just letting it play out.  Also it doesn't seem like there's any real skill or strategy to it — the lava balls are too thick to dodge, so I just ignore them and fly back and forth.

Still for a first MiniScript game, I'd say it's excellent.  Can't wait to see what you create next time!

Cool concept, but very hard to control.  My high score after about a dozen tries is 10!

Seems like a cute game, but way too hard.  I tried about 20 times but couldn't get past the first level.  I also feel like there was more "tutorial" stuff at the top of that area, but couldn't make it to the top of that either.

This is a fun little top-down mini-adventure!  Love the multiple endings.

How do you kill monsters?  Is it actually possible to shoot somehow?

Well, the game is unfinished, but it should be playable.  Glad you figured out the controller thing!  Not sure what's up with the shooting though; it works for me...

I hope someday I (or someone) will pick this up again and run with it.

No worries, I'm glad we got it figured out!

Not bad!  I know you were short on time and I appreciate you finishing something.

When you exit, it'd be good to leave the user with something like
_printMark "To play again, type `run` and press Enter."

Are there any important features missing from MiniBASIC?  Joystick/gamepad support, for example?  Anything else?

You can review the current feature set here.

I hope to add whatever must-have features are still missing, and call it 1.0 pretty soon.  So please let me know what you think!

Hmm, I'm not able to reproduce this problem.  The archive should include an executable named Mini Micro.exe, and that goes with the Mini Micro_Data folder.  I wonder if you renamed the executable to "MiniBasic.exe"?  In that case, you would need to rename the data folder too.

That's strange!  I will look into this.  Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Nice!  This is a cute little game/demo.  I love the idea that you've made a virtual computer (PenguinOS) inside a virtual computer (Mini Micro), running on another VM (JavaScript engine) running on an actual host computer.  And yours is so cute with the hand-drawn UI!

By the way, if you like this, you should try its larger & more polished sibling, World Conquest!  You'll need to download Mini Micro to play it, but that only takes a few minutes and it's all free.  Get it here:

That's right!  Your largest set of connected hexes is your "homeland", identified with a little flag, placed randomly somewhere within that territory.  That's where the reinforcements are placed.  So, trying to "cut" your opponent's homeland in half in a very important part of the strategy.

And yeah, the AIs don't work together.  It's every color for himself!

It's great fun watching this come together!  Looks like it will be fun to play too.  There's something very soothing and satisfying about that JRPG style.  Please keep up the great work!

A cool little demo!

Mosi looks very cool!  The scripting looks a little painful, though.  I'd love to work with you on integrating MiniScript as an alternative.

Thanks for your feedback!  I don't know if redefining text characters is in the cards.  But drawing bitmap images is already there (see the IMAGE command, and for a quick start, check out the demo/drawing program).

Thank you for your kind words!

You interrupt a running program by pressing Control-C.

Thank you for posting about that!  (I am the author of MiniBASIC.)  I'm encouraging users on my Discord server to enter your jam!

You are right!  This was a mistake in my upload script; as you noticed, it entirely failed to include the user.minidisk folder.

That has now been corrected (and it appears that the Mac and Linux versions were not affected by the bug).

I apologize for the mistake, and thank you for bringing it to my attention!

An error in my upload script failed to pack the needed "user.minidisk" folder inside the Windows download.  This has been fixed now.

I'm very sorry for the confusion!  If you have any trouble at all, please don't hesitate to contact me (by posting here, or reach out on Discord).

This is a clean, modern implementation of classic 1980s-style BASIC.  I hope you enjoy it!

Use this community forum for any discussion related specifically to MiniBASIC.  Post cool programs you've made, ask for help when having problems, and be excellent to each other!

(1 edit)

You are correct.

However, programming in MiniScript is going to be easier, more efficient, and more powerful in pretty much every way.

MiniBASIC is being designed mainly as a way to run old code you might find in books like these.  So it is old-school basic: line numbers, GOTO, all variables global, the whole bit.  There will a few minor improvements over 1980s BASIC, such as paying attention to the full variable name instead of only the first two letters.  And there will be some simple drawing and sound commands.  But it won't have access to the full Mini Micro API, and it will never have the elegance and power of the MiniScript language.

So, while you certainly could write games in it, and in the interest of history or nostalgia it might be fun to do so, in any other sense it's probably not the best choice.