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Jampley Dev

A member registered Feb 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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The cheese doesn't snap to a grip, it moves depending on the computer mouse's position at a speed of 18 pixels per second, I know it's weird, but that's the best I could come up with, with the little time I had haha. I know the cheese movement could be smoother. And yes, graphics could be better, I made them all too quickly. Glad you liked the game, what was your reaction when you saw what happens when you eat all the cheese? haha

Thanks! :)

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I just didn't find a way to make the cursor not go through walls, it looks like the cheese is the cursor, but in reality the cheese follows the cursor at 18 pixels per second, that's why it feels like the cheese is unresponsive. I'll try to make it so that the cheese moves more smoothly, but that's a future update. Glad you liked the game. Did you eat the cheese completely or got the end of the game? I am curious. 

let he mouse eat it completely, I want you to see something funny xd

it's a rage platformer, so it is intended to be hard and to be hard to control the cheese. But yes, I know a lot of people will hate that xd.  also did you let the mouse eat the cheese?

wow I was not expecting this, pretty fun and the presentation is really nice.

Pretty good game, I love the graffiti aesthetics, I really do. Maybe the level order was a bit off, but it's oK. I was left wanting more levels xd. The fact that you can't play in full-screen is a bummer, but well, I can live without it.   

Your game might be broken, nothing works, I only see the score going up


A bit too late because I already know that, but thank you :)

I thought I already rated this game, but I didn't. Anyway, this game reminds me of another jam where the theme was echo, a lot of people, me included, decided to make a game about echolocation, I would have liked to see this game there. I enjoyed myself.

A nice arcade game is always fun.

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I think I understand now. Thanks.

1.  what is a participation role?, the page says I need to get one to enter the jam.

2. I read in discord that you have to fill up a form, but that's before or after the jam? I'm confused, I don't even know where that form is at.

3. What defines a beginner? I'm no expert in game development, but I've been doing it for over a year and I've made many small projects, not full games, but functional. 

I think the level order might not be the best as, in one of the first levels, you have to do  pretty advance stuff to progress, pushing a box while in the air and risking falling off a cliff is not very intuitive for a game that just started, and then you have to get the box to a certain position halfway off the cliff to make a jump, then the following two levels were a piece of cake for some reason xd. I saw a guy who beat that part of the game without moving the box because the coyote time is insanely good, and I didn't know that. I do think the controls are more complicated than they should be. Other than that, good graphics and sound :)

Pretty looking game, nice message. I felt like I was playing one of those educational games, which I wonder if that was the intend. Theme and art style, I think those are the best aspects of the game. BTW, I don't know why they always have the scrolling text go so fast, some people are slow readers, damn hahaha.

Yes, it´s supposed to be a stag beetle. And Yes At least I tried to make the graphics functional xd, glad I succeeded. I'm working on the graphics for a post jam update, tho.

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Glad you enjoyed yourself. Yes,  shooting up and down was not properly introduced, my bad, only the level design hints at it. Now I wonder how long it took people to realized that. 

"Heretics" sounds like an overstatement; if so, I would have never added the option to use WASD xd; however, I forgot to add other options for the shooting and gravity buttons. I mainly tested the game with a gamepad. People around me don't really  play FPS or computer games that much, I did not realize WASD  was a standard untill some years ago, and because I didn't have an issue with Arrow keys, I figured people would not have an issue adjusting to it, I was wrong, muscle memory, habits, are too powerful. Also, I didn't know people had issues with their arrow keys like you, sorry. 

And about the NES graphics, well, I didn't have enough time 🤣. I know my game sucks in terms of graphics, and no music, only sound effects. I focused on the gameplay and level design a lot, even making other people play me game to find bugs and parts of the design they didn't like. Anyway, thanks for the comment. 

yes, the controls seem to be the main complain xd. Nobody seems to have gamepads for some reason and of course most people are used to WASD type of button layout and my game is more Arrow key oriented which I just found comfortable as I'm used to it, but other peoppe aren't, which is understandable. I really need to add kat binding or more options for the button layout. After the jam is over, I'll keep updating the game, I'm planing to make a full release of this game in the future.

I see, good luck with that, dud.  Programing can be confusing at times.:)

I think that cooldown just never ends when your touch the spikes xd, you can stay there and chill.

I mostly trsted the game with a gamepad, but I never found it uncomfortable with the arrowkeys and stuff. How would you change the controls?

This is the only game in the jam where I found an Easter egg,  xd. Aslo, I felt depressed at the end if that was your intent, you succeeded, pal. There is not much to the game, which is its biggest flaw. Good art style, btw.

I was not expecting this crazy thing  xd. I like it and I'm impressed by the sheer amount of stuff that is in the game, it definitely has a style, but I think more saturated colors would look better. Also, there are some bad bugs, like I fell off the bout at some point and it was impossible to get on it again.

Yes, that felt personal, please don't xd. Also, IDK why but the game just froze after a cutscene and I could not keep playing. Graphics are cool, the level design is ok, I think it's too easy to fall because of the way the platforms work, and I think you should lower the falling speed to me the character easier to control.

I'm wondering if you were using WASD to ply my game instead of the arrows keys because it was not intended to be played that way. Either way, I have to learn how to do key binding because everybody seems to be used to something different.

sure, when I get home I'll try it out.

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Glad you had fun. What key layout would you prefer? I  tested this game mostly with a gamepad, the keyboard layout I used is the same I use when playing platformers in emulators and such. Thanks for the feedback.

Yes, I just don't like the WASD and and shift and control to play 2d platformers, although you can use WASD instead of the arrowkey if you want. Also, you can use a gamepad if you want, the game fully supports it. Glad you liked me game :)

thank you, I was just really focued on the code and level design, aslo the last day of development, I started feeling sick. Glad you enjoy my game, I'll keep updating it, I'm planning on making it a full release with proper graphics and sound.

Haha for my game it was quite the opposite, graphics and sounds aren't very good.

aah, I understand now, I just didn't have time to add that, but I wanted to x

Thank you for playing! Yes, I mostly play with gamepad, and I am not a big fan of WASD controls, I'm an arrow key guy. what do you mean soundscape? Also, I'll keep updating the game because I think it's the best I've done so far.

Thank you for playing! Yes, I mostly play with gamepads and I am not a big fan of WASD controls, I'm an arrow key guy. what do you mean soundscape? Also, I'll keep updating the game because I think it's the best I've done so far.

keep it, I love that jump, please keep the bug with the spikes too, or make a new object that does the same, it´s cool too

Hahaha, glad you found it funny, and thank you for playing :)

Looks good and sounds good, and it's hard xd.

The most fun game I have played so far, good job. Although the best aspects of the game seems to be bugs or something, IDK, like you can become immune to spikes if you use the balloon right before hitting them and continue touching them, then when you aren't touching them anymore, you stop being immune, this makes it some you have many ways to beat the levels other than just going the intended path; also you can do like a super jump when you jump and use the balloon immediately after, which is pretty fun. 


Looks and sounds great, but the gameplay and level design need polish.