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A member registered 64 days ago · View creator page →

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No way you replied. It was an old post. Yeah, it’s a fun fact.

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late reply but

why is the title dutch i think its just translated to my langauge

sokpop consisting of dutch people and being based in utrecht:

I’ve sent the sample logos!

Also, I have attached my e-mail in the original post.

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I’m so sorry. I was in fact, working on the logo you asked for. I should’ve talked about this to you. I just need to know the name of the group that needs you logo. Thank you.

Not yet. Although I have a bunch of characters here and there, and scrapped out ideas.

Hey there! I’m an artist who does some cute and colorful art. I don’t know if you have any project in the works, or anything else, but here’s my stuff.

hey there, ramu-chan! album cover pair programming album cover rubber duck

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It’s called Turnip Complete, a “delicious computing simulator” (the first two volumes are all white).

turnip complete, first volume turnip complete, second volume turnip complete, extended volume

It seems your project has been going well. The last GitHub commit was from 5 days ago. I hope it’s going well!

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Sure sure!

Hello, there! What are the requirements for an artist position? And what kind of projects do you work on? Thank you!

Here’s my mail. Thanks!

Maybe by mail

Are you still accepting new testers? Thank you!

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Sorry for the late reply, but as of now, stated in the original post, I offer non-game related artwork. This means I will not work for any part of a game (this includes character sprites, title logo, everything). I apologize if I can’t accept your request.

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I see. Are there any other open positions, other than a writer? Artist? Concept artist?

I suggest you either put your Discord username or your e-mail address so that people could sort things out there without all of it leaking to this post.

I could suggest that the narrative should tackle the consequences of technology and how humans view technology. Should information be free and what could go wrong with it? Can machines do the same thing as (or even replace) humans. If so, how can we define machines as being human(like), and how do we define being human?

Or maybe go for something “meta”? Something-something along the lines of “self-awareness that everything is fake”, breaking the 4th wall, like that?

I see you’re taking the sci-fi route. When I first read your project, I didn’t thought of “something scifi, something cyberpunkish”. I thought of a repository of anomalies (kind of like SCP, but with some tight consistency considering how messy the lore can be).

This project looks interesting. I don’t know if I can work on it. I’m just an artist, with some programming knowledge to a degree where I can make characters based on some programming concepts. Have you got any sort of lore in mind? What kind of information does this “alternate reality” browser has in store?

Uh, I’d like to ask, are you in another project? I don’t want to make your schedule packed. Thank you.

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Something something related to tech trivia (graphics programming trivia to be exact). Illustrations.

Hello there! Do you accept non-game projects? The first one looks like the perfect art style for one of my projects.

Sorry for the late reply, but I’ve sent a mail.

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I’d love to, but due to certain circumstances, I can only reply by e-mail, if you’re fine with that (this is also how I worked in a previous project involving mascots).

Hello there! Are you accepting non-game projects? Thanks.

Sorry if it seems out of topic, but is there any room for an art-related position? The game could do with some artistic improvements, and I’d be happy to make some art for it. Thank you.

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I’m an artist who makes stuff out of my interests, like programming. I worked on a mascot for a programming language (that pink little star is made by me). I’m open for non-game related work (this includes artwork not for games as a whole, cute mascots for all kinds of software, and many more).

Do give me a detailed brief of what project you have in mind, and if possible, provide visual references (like moodboards, color palettes). They help a lot in the process. I have the right to decline offers whenever I have a very packed schedule.

My interests include programming (former Python user. Knows bare minimum JavaScript to make niche projects), plants and nature-stuff, food, and wholesome stuff in general.

Got any questions? Want to start working? Here’s my e-mail address!

Oh, and do confirm in the reply section that you have sent a request by mail.