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A member registered Dec 24, 2016 · View creator page →

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Current version is 1.2


We have fixed several bugs and changed the amount of steps, so now game will be faster


  • Changed amount of turns, now maximal amount will be 30 turns, so game will be having more fast pacing
  • Fixed sound bug and some smaller optimization bugs

What is planned:

  • New buildings and resources
  • Building upgrades
  • and many more

Stay tuned!

After some time in silent mode, we are ready to show our newest game Profiteer

Embark on a thrilling journey in Profiteer, a turn-based strategy game where your primary goal is to gain wealth by any means necessary. Utilize the diverse resources of the game world to build and expand your business empire.


  • Streamlined Gameplay: Focus on maximizing profits with a minimalistic graphics and straightforward mechanics.
  • Diverse Resources: Manage three essential resources: Minerals, Wood, Oil.
  • Challenging AI: Face off against a smart AI that anticipates your moves, making each victory rewarding.
  • Dynamic World: Experience varied playthroughs with random world generation and multiple map settings.
  • Extra bonus: Day and Night cycle, sound playing when your camera near factory, and other small features


  • W, A, S, D: Move the camera.
  • Left Mouse Button: Build structures/Interact.
  • Right Mouse Button: Exit any mode.
  • Mouse Scroll: Zoom in and out.
  • Z, X: Rotate the camera.
  • C: Capture mode.
  • B: Building mode.

Enjoy the challenge of building your wealth and outsmarting the competition in Profiteer!

Link to the profiteer:

The idea of this sale was if you want to claim you need to buy game, but you can try the game and understand if you like it or not, smth like free weekend in steam (also game costs 1$)

Thanks yes we are planning to make co-op regime

Loved the game

Embark on a thrilling journey in Profiteer, a turn-based strategy game where your primary goal is to gain wealth by any means necessary. Utilize the diverse resources of the game world to build and expand your business empire.


Streamlined Gameplay: Focus on maximizing profits with a minimalistic graphics and straightforward mechanics.

Diverse Resources: Manage three essential resources: Minerals, Wood, Oil.

Challenging AI: Face off against a smart AI that anticipates your moves, making each victory rewarding.

Dynamic World: Experience varied playthroughs with random world generation and multiple map settings.

Extra bonus: Day and Night cycle, sound playing when your camera near factory, and other small features

Enjoy the challenge of building your wealth and outsmarting the competition in Profiteer!

Link to the game:


We have fixed several bugs and changed the amount of steps, so now game will be faster


-Changed amount of turns, now maximal amount will be 30 turns, so game will be having more fast pacing

-Fixed sound bug and some smaller optimization bugs

What is planned:

-New buildings and resources

-Building upgrades and many more

Stay tuned!

Hey, i have some experience with tiled, but mostly i have experience with unity tilesets(very similar to tiled), write me down to discord: pushkapulemet

Thanks for the review


We are a versatile game development team seeking opportunities to contribute to a variety of projects, ranging from short-term assignments to longer-term ventures. With a passion for crafting immersive experiences, We've been deeply involved in the development of several notable games, including Streetoir, a captivating graffiti painting sandbox game, and Traffical, an engaging mobile game centered around crossing roads. Alongside these projects, I've also lent my expertise to various smaller-scale endeavors.

Our skills are:

Excellent knowledge of Unity as well as Blender, Photoshop, illustrator and other Adobe software and etc

Open minded and full of creativity people, who loves working on interesting projects and can help you with creation of one

Knowledge of C#, can help with creating of immersive worlds and interesting games

Good knowledge of composition and level design theory

We can help you with things such as Game Design, Programming, 3D-2D Art, and many more.

Our team are awaiting your projects and ready to help you with creation of an perfect immersive experience, for pricing and etc write to contacts below.

Our projects:

Streetoir -

Traffical -

Other projects -

If interested write us down on discord: pushkapulemet

or email:





Embark on a thrilling journey in Profiteer, a turn-based strategy game where your primary goal is to gain wealth by any means necessary. Utilize the diverse resources of the game world to build and expand your business empire.


  • Streamlined Gameplay: Focus on maximizing profits with a minimalistic graphics and straightforward mechanics.
  • Diverse Resources: Manage three essential resources: Minerals, Wood, Oil.
  • Challenging AI: Face off against a smart AI that anticipates your moves, making each victory rewarding.
  • Dynamic World: Experience varied playthroughs with random world generation and multiple map settings.
  • Extra bonus: Day and Night cycle, sound playing when your camera near factory, and other small features


  • W, A, S, D: Move the camera.
  • Left Mouse Button: Build structures/Interact.
  • Right Mouse Button: Exit any mode.
  • Mouse Scroll: Zoom in and out.
  • Z, X: Rotate the camera.
  • C: Capture mode.
  • B: Building mode.

Enjoy the challenge of building your wealth and outsmarting the competition in Profiteer!

Link to the game:

(1 edit)


We are the HRUST, creators of the games Streetoir and Traffical, and we are presenting you our newest game Profiteer.

A turn-based economy centric strategy game, where is the main goal is making profits any means possible, for this project we are seeking for youtube/tiktok creators who can make a review on our game(we are offering you a key to the game and ability to play it one of the first), if interested write me down on discord: pushkapulemet

while writing attach the yt/tiktok channel 


(2 edits)

Embark on a thrilling journey in Profiteer, a turn-based strategy game where your primary goal is to gain wealth by any means necessary. Utilize the diverse resources of the game world to build and expand your business empire.


  • Streamlined Gameplay: Focus on maximizing profits with a minimalistic graphics and straightforward mechanics.
  • Diverse Resources: Manage three essential resources: Minerals, Wood, Oil.
  • Challenging AI: Face off against a smart AI that anticipates your moves, making each victory rewarding.
  • Dynamic World: Experience varied playthroughs with random world generation and multiple map settings.
  • Extra bonus: Day and Night cycle, sound playing when your camera near factory, and other small features


  • W, A, S, D: Move the camera.
  • Left Mouse Button: Build structures/Interact.
  • Right Mouse Button: Exit any mode.
  • Mouse Scroll: Zoom in and out.
  • Z, X: Rotate the camera.
  • C: Capture mode.
  • B: Building mode.

Enjoy the challenge of building your wealth and outsmarting the competition in Profiteer!

Link to the game: Profiteer

Also if you need prototype for your project, also write me down

(1 edit)

Hello! I'm a versatile game designer and level designer eagerly seeking opportunities to contribute to a variety of projects, ranging from short-term assignments to longer-term ventures. With a passion for crafting immersive experiences, I've been deeply involved in the development of several notable games, including Streetoir, a captivating graffiti painting sandbox game, and Traffical, an engaging mobile game centered around crossing roads. Alongside these projects, I've also lent my expertise to various smaller-scale endeavors. 

My skills are:

Excellent knowledge of Unity as well as Blender, Photoshop, illustrator and other Adobe software(yes i can help with art also)

Open minded and full of creativity person, who loves working on interesting projects and can help you with creation of one

Some knowledge of C#, can help with creating of small scripts and etc

Good knowledge of composition and level design theory

Know such languages as: English, Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Azerbaijani

My projects:



Other projects

If interested write me down on discord: pushkapulemet

or email:



The game is banger

Thanks for the review


Hey, write me in discord i got a rev share project which is going to be published on steam, so write me down pushkapulemet

Hrust Team looking for programmer for our new game, co-op racing game, for more details write to the contacts below

Our game:


• Intermediate knowledge of C# syntax

• Experience in Unity game engine

• Knowledge of Client-Server infrastructure in games, and experience in network solutions for Unity (Netcode for GameObjects, Darkrift, and etc)

• English and/or Ukrainian and/or Russian

Good to have

• Experience in .NET 

• SOLID and Design Patterns

If interested write to





Thanks for the feedback, and making of video)

Hey, here is our project graffiti painting sandbox game called Streetoir, besides graffiti it has quests and small interactions on the maps, so check it out, btw game is having updates every week

Thanks for the nice review, btw we are planning to add multiplayer soon;)

Watched review, thanks a lot man, i appreciate that and ill add more interactions;)

Also go and add to discord of my team:

Hey, fellas

In this huge update me with team added a lot:

Technical part

  • Added new Shaders to the camera, so the style of the game changed a lot
  • Added Quest system so now you can complete two small quests also added several interactions on map
  • Added new AIs and some bug fixing

Art and Music part

  • Added new music thanks to our composer, now we have 4 original songs and more on the way
  • Added new props on the map and new interactable objects
  • Added NPC models 

Thanks see you in the next update which will be 0.5 version;)


Its a huge update to the version 3.0, so what i have added to the game

  • Added NEW instrument FIRE EXTINGUISHER the thing for big tags and huge graffiti in town or on train yard
  • Added NEW textures to the NPC so now city looks more different and with more HATS and CIGS on NPCs
  • Added Mouse sensitivity slider (as one person asked for it, so now you can more comfortably paint stuff)
  • Fixed some bugs

Thanks for reading see you in next update!!!

Thanks for the review, the problem with my own mouse, cause i changed the sensitivity, but now i solved it and i'll add normal one in new update, also im planning to add new npc on the train yard map, and about minigames nice idea ,i need to think about it. 

If you have any ideas and solutions for the game, i'm open to it!!!





I recently made an update and also a sale(100% off) of my game, so check out mine graffiti painting sanbox game, where you paint with spray paint whenever and anything what you want, also dont forget to explore maps

Also if any questions, write me in discord: pushkapulemet


Try mine graffiti painting sanbox game, feel free to paint anywhere and everything what you want with spray paint,also don't forget to explore maps(for now only two ,but game grows quickly) 

And also the game is free for 3 days, so try it:

Also if any questions write me in dm in discord: pushkapulemet


Try mine painting game ,where you simply paint graffiti and etc, with a spray paint, the game is sandbox so you can just simply film short where you just paint smth, and also the game is now on sale 100%(so its free)

If any questions, here is mine discord: pushkapulemet

Congrats! Lads

Made a new update, fixed some bugs, and added extra map

-Made a new map, which is called TRAIN YARD on this map you have a great opportunity to paint on freight trains at night

-Added new feature ,now you can drag and drop BLUE BEER CASES and use 'em as a ladder, as real graffiti writers on the streets 

-Added a map choosing feature in MAIN MENU so now you can choose on which map and where to paint

-Fixed small bugs

So i hope you will get the game during AUTUMN SALE, so go and check it out!!!



I'm now working on a new map, and also some new features such as:

  • Reloading level button, for cleaning levels from graffiti so you can paint again
  • Level choosing in menu 
  • Models and special things for new level


Made a trailer for the game