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A member registered Apr 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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My new Highscore, try to beat it :p

Really cool game, fellow tetris-dev! :D
It took me a while to realise you don't actually get points, and you only go to the next level by "losing" tetris and winning the "secret" afterwards.
Really cool and well made, but it's a bit of a shame that there aren't any scores. I realised that there's no reason to even go to the regular doom-mode, just collect ammo, and once you've got enough, the most efficient thing is to just lose tetris quickly and jump straight to the bossfight.
Nonetheless, superb game!

Cool game, but would have been more convenient to just have a separate button for shooting blue and red

I won!

But I cheated in the last level, I recalled to a tile that had fallen, so I teleported to an empty space, but somehow that worked

Excellent game, on all fronts! The best I've seen so far in the jam!

I won! First try even 😌
I had one guy that made it all the way to the end, but then got killed in the last battle 😢

Interesting game!

Most polished game I've seen in this jam!
Really well made! Super impressive!

nice execution!

Looks cool and interesting, but it won't let me go to the cabin. (ironically by saying that I have to go to the cabin first)

Looks cool and very original! Had trouble playing though because I had very low framerate

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I visually looks cool, but I don't get how the game works. using q makes you freeze in place and slows the game down, but it doesn't actually seem to shoot. What are you supposed to do?
Edit: Oh, you have to use the mouse, that wasn't clear at all

Please share your highscores!
I wanna see! :D

Here's my latest:

It loads forever :/


The instruction on how to switch modes is actually on screen at the bottom. ;p
The pieces are actually less random than in tetris, but not being able to hold (or see what's comming) does make it harder.
(I was planning on adding that, but dunno)

It's fun!

cool game!

unity keeps loading, progress bar is stuck at about 90%

was that all?

finally beat stage 5, was super difficult

it took me a while to realise the height the building rises is based on the number on the dice, haha, whoops

Cool game!

it's bigger than my screen though, seems to be made for mobile? (cause it's vertical)

Really cool! and great step-by-step tutorial-like gameplay

Really cool! And great tutorial. It was really fun, would love to play a longer game!

Cool idea, but it's really annoying how the dice doesn't actually line up with the sides you show on the right, which makes the entire thing pointless

yeah, I understand. with a game made in such short time, there's bound to be some bugs 😅

nice visuals. well made. surprisingly easy to beat :)

Any instructions/explanation would have been nice

Why are there no instructions?

Looks like a cool game, but it gets stuck all the time, either because a die flew off the table, the cane is outside of view, or it keeps telling me to give the dice while they are already in the rectangle.

I have no idea how this game works. I don't know anything about this casino game. A bit of explanation would be nice.

Also, I moved the cane thing out of view and now I can't get it

I landed on spikes while in the  toolbox mode and the character didn't die, but I couldn't jump either, making me trapped. I clicked on the flag icon which despawned the character but didn't respawn it seemingly, so I'm stuck now

8.08m is my best, which isn't very high I guess, haha.

nice little game!
I wanted to join in the ludum dare as well, but forgot about it, woops

Very cool! well made!

Absolutely amazing

Really fun! seriously one of the best I've played this jam!

Spectres are impossible to defeat though!

I feel like you got a good concept here for a full game!

Nice! Now I'm curious to know which one you missed :D


so please tell me, which ones did you find? :D

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Cool game! very atmospheric!

is there a way to survive?

by the way, what's the link to the ludum dare page, so I can give it a rating? :)

Yes, I'm sure I'm not cheating! :p
Got a depth of 854 meters ;)