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Everything is in PNG sheets. It should also include a master PNG sheet for non-RPGMaker use. If for some reason that's not there, just email me. There's no engine restrictions on the license. Thanks

Not 64x64, but it should include 32x32 and 48x48 sizes for use in RPGMaker VX/Ace and RPGMaker MV/MZ.

Yes, this was added in an update.:

  • Quick fix for low resolution users: you can now manually change the scale by editing the "Window Scale" value in the Settings.json file


I don't use a mac so I'll have to ask the programmer. In the meantime maybe a windows emulator might work? Thanks for letting me know

Yes I absolutely have more expansions planned! Thank you! :)

Yes you can do anything you want with them, the only limitations are in the generator which assumed specific layers, but you can combine the assets in other ways too.

I'll pass it on to the programmer, thanks! Let me know if it gives any sort of error message.

All you need to do is paste the new files into the folders. Easy! 

Hmm, if there's no software that exists for re-organizing spritesheets, there's probably some sort of plugin or action for aesprite or photoshop that might help with that. I know at least there's some softwares that can easily splice up spritesheets into individual files so there's probably something that can rearrange them back together. thanks!

Unfortunately, at least using the default generator, that won't work because the way the modular pieces are put together: all of the characters are the same height. However, you're welcome to manually edit them to create whatever you need, you might be able to make shorter characters by changing layer positions in an image editor like photoshop. Thanks!

I have no plans to make faces. As for the TF monsters, they should work fine if you update the colors to match. The TF style uses different colors but they have the same 16x16 base size, so the monsters should work as enemies. Thanks!

I do want to update it with a bunch of the patreon releases yeah-- but every time I think about doing this... I end up making more new ones for patreon and so I keep delaying the idea of an update 😅. thanks for the reminder!

Not anymore now; new packs are shared with patrons when they are first released, but that's a benefit for active patrons so the download key is removed after a couple of months.

Yes, you can use it in any engine, but you might need to re-arrange the sheet to match other formats. Thanks!

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Nothing specific like exercise equipment, but there's some things that maybe could fake it, and there are muscley character sprites... and I have released a wrestling/boxing ring on my Patreon which might be useful. TBH your idea is a pretty good one for a little expansion, hmm...
UPDATE: I've made some add-on gym tiles for this style, they're on my patreon :)

Yes, I've released the base for free. you can get it here:

Yes, they don't use a base at all and the pieces can be standlone.

All of the pieces included can be used for attacks. The only exception are the pre-made NPC characters like the children.

New expansion coming soon! Stay tuned :)

In addition to the modular pieces, the sprites are a different art style. It's up to you which style best fits your project.

Sorry I missed this, if you still need them email me, thanks!

Yes it should! It for some reason they're not in it, just send me an email and I can get them for you. Thanks


hmm I'm not sure. It uses JSON files for most things so maybe you can find something if you dig in the settings files-- I'll ask the programmer, thanks!

Yes, the sizes are very similar. The biggest difference is the more vibrant color palette and the more detailed texture style.


I might revisit them if there's interest from patrons and if I do, then I'll update the pack to include the new sheets. thanks!

the import/export settings buttons in the generator are a little strange-- I've found that it works better to copy and paste the settings.json file directly, and that works just fine!

Hmm that sounds like a gray area for the redistribution thing. You know for these I think that might be OK because they're kinda separate from my usual RPG assets, so I'll give permission for that kind of thing for the tarot cards specifically. Good luck!

I updated the Warden, thanks! As for the rest of this pack, you can get it from the patron download in the pinned FAQ post on patreon. Thanks!

Yes that's fine. There's no longer any restrictions on which engine you can use. Thanks!

Any engine is fine! Thanks!

no license necessary for these ones, these are for the public domain! thanks!

If I remember right, the RPG Maker sheets are full (unfortunately they have a limited size!) so the extra objects on the full sheet are more like bonuses. You're welcome to edit them into RM sheets if that will be useful to you, thanks!

Yes! I plan to release multiple expansions. Now that the new tileset packs are out, I'll be working towards a character piece expansion for my next release. Will have new clothing pieces and some new weapons and tools too!

The new generator is for a new style, "Elements", so they have a slightly different size than the classic Time Fantasy stuff. Thanks!

You can make your own characters using either the included generator, or in any image editing software like photoshop. Check out the included PDF guide for details: it explains how to use the generator and also explains the format of the files if you want to do it on your own. Thanks

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As for the settings, yeah the import and export are kinda unclear-- I think that it might not overwrite the settings file correctly or something. I've manually copypasted the settings file in the folder, and edit that sheet directly, instead of usin the import/export options, and that works for me.

Yeah, RPG Maker isn't designed for the full set of animations. But it can be used to make regular walking sprites and adapt the animations into an SV format. Other than that, if you want to use the full action set, it comes down to trying to work about RPG maker's own limitations. :shrug:

>Would it be possible to expand the char positioning configuration in relation to the flame?

Sorry I'm not sure what you mean by this. what flame?

Thank you! I'm happy that it helps :)