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A member registered Nov 02, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

An actually very playable MPL themed game, with a 90s vibe, clever mechanics and — later on — challenging levels.

Well done!

Almost skipped this thinking it was a juveline coding experiment, but it is a funny, challenging, rewarding, sonically engrossing game.

(1 edit)

The ⇥ key to zoom out totally changes the experience, in my opinion for the better! Add it in the controls (and document controls altogether)!

Good 2d rendition of a shooter. I had fun playing this, level were interesting and big enough to make them fun to explore. I miss some staple platformer QOL improvements (e.g. "look down" when you press ↓ for a bit), but as I have said, solid work!

I am not a fan of Ren’py productions, but this one has many great things. Good writing, excellent characterisation, a compelling story. I like that the game starts "in medias res" without an overly flowery presentation or a wall of text.

Well done, hope to see it completed one day!

A nice little game that adds to a simple goal (collecting eggs before they crash on the floor) a very interesting mechanic (some bunny with a bouncing movement). Choosing between speed and accuracy becomes a balancing act which is easier at first and becomes a crapshot of frenetic bouncing by the end.

My first run was 60 points, had fun playing this. Thanks for source and linux binaries!

Excellent little game with great atmosphere, a maze that is actually fun to travel, spooky music and graphics. Well done!

(1 edit)

There is much good about this game, I am happy to see numerous comments.

I will point that it is doubly good if you are a developer yourself: this game is suprisingly playable, surprisingly fun, has progression, has symbolism, has minigames, has lore, with just minimal screen estate and four buttons.

It is a lesson in economy of means and will for sure change how you see games and game-making.

The dev's Design notes are as interesting as the game and will make you look at it with new eyes.

I have been spamming this left and right in OSS channels. A Q: where is the source actually? The tag says GPLv3 but I see no repo.

(1 edit)

41:81 my best time.


A very short game in an immersive world. It feels easy to navigate and the story flows nicely. Thumbs up for me, bar for the lack of a "restart" button at the end.

(1 edit)

A fantastic little game that does one thing and doe sit very well. I smiled many times while progressing throught the (short) level, well done!

Bonus points for a Linux binary!

I really enjoyed the way controla are integral to the story/character, it adds to the atomsphere of the story and horror. Well done!

Remarkable game that pulls so much with so little. The 90°-based 3-d movement adds to the atmosphere, well done!

Interesting game that with simple graphics, lines and mechanics manages to convey a lot.

I only reached two endings though (both of them bad: “lost in the wood” and drowned), I can start a fire but I am not exactly sure where.

This looks ace, can we get a Linux build?

A lovely little puzzle game in a small package. Graphics and gameplay are reminiscent of a hit from the past, Chip’s Challenge.

Levels is where the fun of puzzle games is at, and this one has compact, somewhat difficult but far from impossible levels, each one with its distinct flavour.

Well done!

Seems interesting but my

Java Runtime only recognizes class file versions up to 61.0

Any chance we can have an online version or build instructions?

Good writing, not much interactivity, I will wait eagerly for the full version!

UltraTux community · Created a new topic feedback

I am writing this here since comments are not open.

Good tuxy platformer with challeging enemies (I got obliterated by those floating ones!). I enjoyed it, the only warts are non-rebindable controls and maybe a slightly off — to me — jump/gravity feel.

Well done!

Simple game that does one thing and does it well, cosy graphics and a catchy tune create a magical atmosphere.

Bug if you click on the felt where the fourth (empty) base is.

Error: main.lua:339: bad argument #1 to 'unpack' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
        [love "boot.lua"]:345: in function <[love "boot.lua"]:341>
        [C]: in function 'unpack'
        main.lua:339: in function <main.lua:327>
        [love "callbacks.lua"]:154: in function <[love "callbacks.lua"]:144>
        [C]: in function 'xpcall'

Finished, I will praise once again puzzles!

(1 edit)

Meanwhile, some feedback:

- graphics is clear and functional, I liked it (especially some animations, which I believe are rotoscoped)

- puzzles were very good and make me want for more

- writing is a bit dry for my taste (spoilers ahead), e.g. when you find the body you seen not bothered at all, and everything seems to rush too fast at times (again, body)

- interactions need to be worked on, "nothing special" when looking a weird painting is not ok, same about "No." when trying lighter+wood. With some custom text everything would be more believable. Some are not correct full stop ("I don't want to have it") when you try closing a door. I also don't particularly fancy hotspots disappearing when you are over with them (see window in bedroom).

- very good idea to have autonamed savegames

All in all a very interesting game, that I I will keep playing to see the end, which is more than I can say than a majority of productions out there. Well done!

(1 edit)

How to get cat food? (edit you need to *spoiler* make her play with the wire).

But now I cannot find the second gem. I have the green one, what about the othere?

Interesting game, a puzzle-adventure which has some peculiar choices mechanic-wise ('e' to turn).

Instructions were clear but I don't think I was able to save/load. It is in an alpha state, but you can see where the author wants to go.

Running it with Wine on Linux, I get this error:



Entering main loop.


Resizing swap chain...


ERROR!!! :: ############################################################################################


action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_lighting:

Variable, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_lighting_Draw_73


gml_Object_obj_lighting_Draw_73 (line -1)


Downloaded Linux exe, cannot find `.pck` file.

An excellent game that pulls an eerie and melancholic atmosphere with little. IF authors could learn from this game: sentences are short and not one word is superfluous.

Looks interesting! Can we have a Linux build? I get some errors when trying to playing online.

Cute and carefree simulation, I enjoyed it!

A cute, interesting, short puzzle/platformer. Everything is spot on, from graphics, to levels, to setting. The only minor drawback in my opinion is the usage of a button to read instructions and another one for actions (I find this unnecessary, it should be only one).

Play it, it is really worth your time! Welcome Olivia!

A small game that packs a punch, with cute graphics, cosy music and a small jewel of a level+boss+run gameplay. Hope to see more from the author!

Little interactivity, touching adventure!

Fantastic read, what an exquisite, refreshing zine, well done!

Small typo: page 2, “wheelcchair”

Very good bitsy game.

There is an interesting dicothomy between the player and the player character highlighted by linearity (from the PC point of view) or inevitability (player’s point of view).

Well done!

Very good Zelda2-esque platformer, with garish graphic, a cosy gameworld and a remarkable set of enemies.
Bosses are difficult so expect to die a lot. You can see the dev poured his sol in it, from the many little things the developer put in there, from the otherwordly dialogue lines (reminiscent of translations of 8-bit era), cute art, and retro mechanics.

Good job!

Quite an interesting idea for a game (adding "depth"), well done.