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A member registered Jan 07, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very good

Nice animations! I didn't read the description, and was avoiding all the red cubes and trying to go through the portals. Probably because generally red = bad and green = good.

I read your article (came from the gamedev reddit). It's very nice for a first game :) I think the biggest game design crime is the city level where several times I needed to jump off a platform to another platform which is off-screen. It's unsatisfying to have to guess how far the jump is. I stopped playing after the third time I died because of that.

This is impressive as a 3 hour product. In the second level you have to jump off a cliff without knowing if there's anything below. Walking off made my heart jump. Good job!

Thanks so much, it's not perfect but I'm glad I could finish something.

Very nice!

Made me laugh so much, I freaking love this.

It took me a while to hit a goblin (3-5 mins?) because I didn't realise I could combine two items that are far away from each other. Once I got the hang of that it was really fun. All the animations are really smooth and satisfying. Nice game!

Funny game, I like the schizophrenic flying slugs lol. Keep it up with the small games.

Exactly! You need to have one skeleton die and then attack the goblin right away. That's a great point, space and enter should both work in both cases. Thanks for the help :)