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A member registered 77 days ago

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(2 edits)

geometry dash is the game your thinking of i think



thanks for the feedback and also there is three levels not two 

how is that what you thought was in it can you read XD

great job on the game man could use some tune ups and a way to relise what your meant to do it took me a while to get the hang of it but after that rather enjoyable for the most part

thanks for the feedback glad you enjoyed it.

great job man the game was fun but the music did get a little annoying at times though.

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sorry about the jump scare its not meant to be one but i cant find i way to get rid of the delay if you could help i might fix it after the jam :)

just a heads up Helper Wesley there is a game called drift master 3d and it shouldn't be in the list of games because its mad with unity

Thank you for your feedback but a little unsure if your being sarcastic

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Thank you for the feedback

ok thank you


someone used construct 2 which you can't do just a heads up the game is called impossible 1000

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can someone go to game jam 5 on and see if my game is there its called Asteroid Dodger but for some reason i cant see it.

i used the genre game jam 5 to so i don't know why i can't see it there

his name is Demirkandemo

(2 edits)

ok just wondering because there is guy in submissions with two games posted

are you allowed to submit more then one game

i'm not experienced trust me

no you have to use gdevelop for this jam

ya pal you have to make the game within the time limit and around the theme

i do have that

sorry bro no discord

hi guys i was looking for some help on how to make animations, i haven't been able to get them to work and im pretty new to GDevelop and i was hoping someone would have some tips on how to get it to work.

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Hi i am Beanie1709,  i have all ways loved the thought of making games and i figured this would be a great way to get better at it and get feedback from people on my game i can't wait for this game jam to start.