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A member registered Apr 15, 2019 · View creator page →

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now i make only mini-jams. my bigger projects are not for jams. but maybe in july it changes, i will then participate in blitzplus or purebasic in your jam

My game has 2 downloads, but four ratings. Down-Voter? should install a system, where it is not allowed to rate a game without playing/testing

why my game is rated by four? It has only 2 downloads!!! Down-Voter?

thank you! the toys are blend-files from

thank you, only a little dungeon-crawler

thank you!

thank you! quite simple game

ohh, yes you are right, a sound fx or a small explosion would be better

thank you. yes, there might be some bugs

ohh, there is a bug. is counting debugging in the three hours?

Thank you for playing

thank you!

in start-screen you must press space-bar

You must move with cursor-keys and grab the packages. avoid the robots!

you must press in start-screen space-bar

i have changed the hitboxes

i have made the hitboxes this time smaller. in the start-screen press space-bar.

thank you for playing! the jam made much fun

what are the limitations?

yes, some extras would be good

what is the problem? the left quarter of the platform should move the ball left

thank you! the music is by the awesome Lizardking, (amiga-mod)

no, mouse is faster and better

ohh, no, capture the mouse, i think the most people would hate it

its by Lizardking, song title "Varanen", one of the best amiga-mods I know!

for trijam i make often these arcade games

yes, simple, mad in 3 hours only. thx for playing!

thank you for playing

when you are near an alien it chases you. I wish i had found some predator fbx or obj


there are eggs, no powerpills. it isnt a real pacman-game, only a small eastergame. the buildings are from the map of the area in berlin where our office is. yes, the ghosts can go through the houses, i dont know why. there was something wrong with the fbx of the map

thx! when voting is over i change this with the hitboxes

thank you, the sprites are from

thank you!

thank you! ok, i had to make the hitboxes smaller. the sprites and music are from

thank you!

thank you for playing! Yes, the puzzles are hard, because the arcade-part is very easy

yes, the gameplay is very simple, so I built in some puzzles

thank you for playing!

thx! the fox is made by jamiely from