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A member registered 47 days ago · View creator page →

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This sounds fun. I’m a 2D artist, so if you’re still looking for one then you can check my InstagramX/Twitter, and DeviantArt

sent a friend request

Are you still looking for someone?

Sounds good. I’ll be a little busy, so I’ll have to try it tomorrow or the day after

I’m not a professional logo designer, but I have created logos and titles before. I mostly shine in the design department. If you still need a 2D artist then I’d like to help. Here is my Instagram.

Hello, I’m unsure if you still need an artist, but if you do then I’m here

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I’m good to help out with anything, especially something new so I can gain more experience. And if you need promo material then I can help with that too.

why yes I am :>

Don’t know if I’m someone you’re looking for, but I’m an artist who’d like to help out :]

(2 edits)

Hello, I’m Banans, a 2D digital artist. I’m currently in the process of creating a portfolio and hoping that joining a project will help grow it. I also really just want to make stuff for others.

I specialize in character designs, creature designs, and digital illustrations. I usually opt for a stylized look for my pieces using bright colors, exaggerated anatomy and poses, and exaggerated motion when needed. I’ve not made a lot of pieces with detailed background, but that is something that I hope to work on and get better at.

Thanks for reading, I hope you have a great rest of your day. I’m on X/Twitter (newest with fewer posts), Instagram, and DeviantArt.