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A member registered Sep 03, 2016 · View creator page →

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Oops, yeah. I wish the Linux Itch app would allow adding windows games.

I'm going to try to get the Windows Itch App installed, and see if Boilr can see those.

Any chance of getting the full version on itch? Or a linux release?

Will the full version be released on itch? 

This works really well! Combined with Boilr it's a great solution.

I *really* wish that the linux steam app would let me install Windows steam games, and try them in proton. Is that in the cards for the future?

So far, playability of linux has been pretty great. More than half the games I've tried have launched and worked without any configuration. Of the remaining games, less than half haven't worked after some basic configuration.

I'm really curious to try some windows games, but I'm not ready to jump through these hoops.

Thank you so much for the thorough response. I can't wait to try some of these.


Awesome! Thanks!

Thanks so much! I'll try it and get back to you when I know more. 

this looks like a lot of fun. 

Is it ntsc compatible? 

Looks great! Is it NTSC compatible? 

This looks great! NTSC compatible? 

Did you ever find out? 

If not, I'll give it a shot next week when my SD2IEC comes in. 

This looks great! Is it NTSC compatible? 

Looks like a lot of fun. Is it NTSC compatible? 

Looks like a lot of fun! German language only? NTSC supported? 


SPACEBEEF community · Created a new topic Multiplayer

Local only?

TIC-80 community · Created a new topic System Requirements?

Thinking about repurposing some old hardware, and I'm curious if anyone has used TIC-80 on anything old and underpowered. 

P2, 128MB RAM?

Raspberry Pi? 

any idea what the bottom of the compatibility requirements is? 

Wonderful and well executed. I love it.