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Planet of flowers with mind

Pixel art for today based on videogame Space Quest 2 for system MS DOS. It is a space adventure. Game is in genre quest.

And this is my drawing about the same theme. Also, it is a quest. Also, about space adventure. You are landed in terms of explore on a planet. And you have discovered, that it is a planet of flowers with mind and its own civilization. Evolution at this planet goes another way. And flowers can speak, can think and move. And this magnificent discover turns you to stay at this planet more time. And to learn more.

Take in to account. Feature of Dima – context menu. So, in Space Quest 2 there is menu at the top, it a white line. And I - have idea to click on a person and menu ins drawing under the person. And there are actions to perform . Walk, look. So, because of different languages, I don’t write these.

 Planet is look like a forest. With flowers. But some flowers – are special.  They are big, and has a mind. They have their own civilization here. I am also to remember a soviet cartoon movie. Mystery of a third planet. It is also interesting sci fi. Not evil. But interesting. Explore of a space. It was interesting to watch it. It was also Alice there. Like Alice from wonderland. But in space.

Speaking flowers are very surprised with your appearance. They don’t understand how it can be a creature like you, where have you come from. Flowers are walking and spreading the seeds. After that, are growing flowers with mind or casual. So, it is works like this on this phantasy planet.

This planet under the light of a sunnies. They are special creatures - sunnies. They fly all over the planet and gives alight. So strange and interesting planet. It is adventure ahead! And this is a training picture.