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Clarification of Rules

A topic by Shadow9876 created 48 days ago Views: 327 Replies: 4
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(1 edit)

Q. Can I use this jam to finish/submit an existing project I already started on?

A. Yes, but only if they are unreleased AND unfinished.

Q. So is it allowed to compose music outside the timeframe of the gamejam and (provided one writes at least 3 more minutes of music in the timeframe of the jam) submit it as a legitimate entry?


Hi! It's encouraged that the submissions are made within the period of the jam as there is also a theme for you to build upon your soundtrack. All submissions of the jam must be original and composed specifically for the jam, hence the rule of being unreleased, and the rule of being unfinished is that it would be unfair to other participants (as this a ranked jam) if you have more time than the others. 

Hope this helps! ^^

Sorry, this reply confuses me a bit. With all due respect, I'm trying to understand the spirit of this game jam as well.

So to get a bit more specific, my question is, say I have 3 or 4 unreleased "songs", which link to a game that never got past the thinking phase. If this "collection" of music was included with some other tracks I specifically wrote for this very jam, would that be considered a legitimate submission? (If these 3 or 4 unreleased "songs" fit the theme.)


The spirit of the jam is that you should start working on your submission when the jam starts, but in the end we wouldn't know anyway which tracks were composed inside or outside of the jam, so we are asking that in the case that you will submit songs that are worked on outside of the jam, please make sure they are at least unfinished before the jam as it wouldn’t be fair to other participants. So to answer your question, the submission will be considered illegitimate and not in the spirit of the jam. Does this answer your question?


Yes, thank you for your answer.