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Ty u :D

unfortunately nop, but we can fix that later :)

Eita macho, viciei (no jogo)

Um BR kkkk

Yea, some bugs on the game... but, a little update can fix that :3

Oh... a lot of drunky guys... (lmao)

Yeah! The art style and the characters is very like Death Road to Canada, i think this style looks cool ;)

The game looks cool, the customization of mutations is very unique and crazy! A bunch of these games (of the jam) don´t make a thing like this! But, i think you should make some more things, like: Put camera shake when get hit, Juice effects and other things... but, this game looks very good! I liked the battle system :3

Nice game dude! I get a little lost on the begin, but, the game looks really cool! I think you is making a really something, you should continue this project ;)

(I liked the musics, lmao)

You are right, we need to put more things on that project, some updates can make the game a little... better, huh? Well, wait for the future :)

I feel lucky after that

The history is a little... goofy, but, i think after that jam, we will put this game more larger, like more history and other things...

Ty for the feed! :D

Ty you :3

Ty man! Yea... the game is very unfinished because of the time, but... i think after jam, we will update ;)

I work with Web and mobile development, and I know a little about 3D design. My brother knows game design and programming at Gdevelop

yes, let's do it

(5 edits)

How about being part of a team, or inviting us to be part of your team?

There are two of us:

Victor67: Web Developer and Mobile, 3D Model design, Idealist. 

Amendo1m: Game Designer and Progammer.
