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Thorbjørn Lindeijer

A member registered Jun 20, 2015 · View creator page →

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Can you provide any additional information about the circumstances? Did it always crash? Does it consistently crash? Anything that can help narrow the issue down.

You’re right, there really should be an isometric example, and thank you for providing one! Those isometric building blocks look great!

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I don’t think we need to pretend like it never happened, but feel free to edit your posts as appropriate. Even if Tiled isn’t writing those files, and even if it does not look malicious, it is still worth reporting.

Hmm, while Tiled is mentioned in those files, they seem to be actually created by the app or some version of it. For whatever reason, it appears to be generating random target locations and then prints logs regarding the installation of Tiled. It seems to be like something in the app is malfunctioning, which you might want to consider reporting on their bug tracker: (be sure to provide as many details as you did here).

Hmm, that’s worrying. However, it would be nice to know some details:

  • Why do you think Tiled is creating these folders?
  • Where did you download Tiled?
  • What are these folders named and what kind of files are created?
  • Since when is this problem occurring and did you try de-installing Tiled? Did that help?

If it is really the Tiled executable, it was probably infected after being installed. So far, there have only been false positives and no actual reports of Tiled doing something malicious. The executable is built in a clean environment and Windows builds are signed by the SignPath Foundation.

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Alright, the tileset image getting cropped would mess up your map since the cropping affected the indexes of most of the tiles. In addition there appears to have been a change in the tile size used by the tileset, causing all your tile rects to be misaligned.

The easiest way to restore the map should be to revert to a non-broken tileset image.

It is however impossible for Tiled to mess up your image like that, since it does not write to tileset images, ever. I’m sorry if you lost your work on the tileset, but the image must have gotten messed up some other way. Keeping backups is a good idea, regardless.

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After I submitted the file, G DATA responded that the file should no longer get blocked. Can you verify this, theapplesguy2?

Alright, I’ve used to submit the 64-bit installer as being “incorrectly classified as malicious”. I could not answer which OS version, browser version or G DATA version you were using. We’ll see what comes out of it.

If it helps avoid the issue, you can download a .zip file rather than an installer at if you’re logged in to GitHub, click a recent build and scroll down to “Artifacts”.

Usually the installer is more trusted by the system though, since it is code-signed. The best solution is probably to report the installer as safe to your anti-virus solution.

If you want to help teach your anti-virus solution to not report the installer as malware, please tell us which anti-virus solution you’re using.

If an application crashes on macOS, usually a crash dialog pops up with a lot of debug information, including a stack trace. If this happens, it would be very helpful if you could open an issue on GitHub, including the information from that dialog.

The version uploaded to matches the “” version on GitHub. Are you comparing it to the “” build? Otherwise I can’t explain why one would work while the other doesn’t.

“Universal macOS Binary” is intentional in an attempt to ensure an optimal experience for both Intel and Arm64 users. Crashes aside…

Hmm, the tileset Orientation setting, either “Orthogonal” or “Isometric”, is only used to apply the expected transformation to collision objects and terrain overlays, when they are rendered on top of the tiles in the tileset view. A “Hexagonal” orientation option does not exist for tilesets, only for maps. Hence, I am not entirely sure what problem you ran into. Could you report this issue on GitHub or Discord, and provide more details, possibly screenshots?

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There is a Tiled compatible map editor called NotTiled which you may want to give a try. It’s open source as well.

Usually you just attack them, they will shake when hit. When they do shake but never fall, then you have unfortunately run into the “invincible enemy” bug that sometimes happens. In this case, try to find one that does get destroyed.

Please also see my most recent comment on the issue I linked. There are now universal builds available on GitHub actions for macOS 10.14 and newer, and I would kindly ask those who experience freezing to try if those builds work better.

There have been multiple reports of Tiled freezing on Apple silicon. I’m hoping maybe building natively for arm64 might resolve that issue, but the build isn’t fixed yet. You can track issue regarding this. Unfortunately, I have personally no M1 or M2 hardware to test with.

Is there no message displayed at all? What is your operating system?

Yes, it is also possible to make pictures using the Tiled scripting API, by creating and saving an Image.

This particular custom text format is not supported out of the box, but you could write a JavaScript extension that adds such a format using tiled.registerMapFormat.

Regarding using the same graphics in multiple colors, this is currently only possible by using multiple layers, since each layer can have a custom tint color.

Drag and drop was broken in GNOME 44 for Qt applications, but it seems a fix has been done and should hopefully be available soon. See and for relevant bug reports.

In the meantime, you could place templates using the “Insert Template” tool instead. :-)

What thinks the Tiled setup or exe is a virus, and what exactly does it say?

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What is “it”? In any case, this is likely to be a false positive, since the builds are being made in a clean environment on AppVeyor and then signed by SignPath before being uploaded to (assuming you’re talking about the Windows installer).

I think that problem might be happening because of an issue with the installer when overwriting a 64-bit version with a 32-bit version. Please try explicitly uninstalling Tiled before installing it again, which I think should resolve the problem.

Since I’ve updated the main builds of Tiled to Qt 6, they now require at least Windows 10 and 64-bit. For compatibility I’ve kept the 32-bit build on Qt 5. There should generally not be any issue with running the 32-bit version on 64-bit Windows.

Maybe you could open an issue about your problem at This comments section isn’t really suitable for long threads.

What is “the project tab thing”? It’s strange, because as per the TMX changelog, the only changes to the map format have been the addition of two attributes and a custom property type, all of which should only affect the file when used. Maybe the game is checking the version? Did you check the files for any other difference?

Hmm, it’s hard to tell what could have gone wrong there. Could you open a GitHub issue about this with more details? Some screenshots might help me understand the problem better as well (or get in touch on Discord if you don’t want to share this in public).

Please see the warning on the page about the GameMaker Studio 2 export, which notes that you’ll need to overwrite an existing room file for now. I’m not currently aware of a way to improve this process, but if you know how to solve this problem then please open an issue on GitHub with more details so we can work on that, thanks!

Yes, though at the moment they’re not so easy to find. You need to be logged in to GitHub and visit the list of Tiled builds here, click on the latest successful one, scroll down to Artifacts and download the “Tiled-win64” package for a zip file.

That’s correct, all previous releases stay available on GitHub. However, if you have a need to download an older version, please do let me know why. In general, there should not be a need for this.

I did break compatibility in 1.9, by renaming “type” attribute to “class”, but there is a compatibility option you can set in your project (and likely I’ll undo this change in Tiled 1.10, because it keeps tripping people up). Then the maps should work in Carrion, unless there are also other changes that cause maps to not work.

I just tried it and it’s working fine for me. Could you open an issue at and attach the file that is not importing correctly?

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Hmm, several people have shared that Tiled runs fine on M1, but I can’t test it myself. In what way did it not run well for you?

What kind of export would that be?

Check out this page for a list of possible solutions, in particular SuperTiled2Unity is pretty well maintained.

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The oldest version I can support in the latest version is macOS 10.12. The previous version, Tiled 1.8.6, could in theory still be compiled on macOS 10.10 against Qt 5.6, but I don’t currently have such a build available. I’m not sure what is the last available build that worked on 10.10, but you can get older versions from

Unfortunately that chance is currently very slim since it would be a major project given the amount of UI rework needed, plus I don’t personally own an iOS device so I’d need to rely on emulation for testing purposes. An Android port might be easier, but it still requires a great deal of UI to be rewritten.

Hmm, not sure what could be causing that. If the installer doesn’t work then one option would be to use the ZIP files available for each build on GitHub. Make sure you’re logged in to GitHub, click the latest successful build, scroll down to Artifacts and take for example the “Tiled-win64” (without the .msi extension).

It could be useful to provide ZIP archives on as well, especially since the app also prefers that, but in the installation experience seems to be better on Windows with the installer (except for such issues…).

Apparently rotate90 was added about 5 months ago and released with Defold 1.2.191 beta. I’ve now added support for this in the Defold export plugins, which will be available in Tiled 1.8.6 (alternatively you can soon download development builds from here if you’re logged in to GitHub). Thanks for notifying about this feature!

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I don’t think such an extension already exists. A custom exporter could be written for this as a JavaScript Tiled extension.

I’m keeping a list of existing extensions on GitHub and there is a similar extension for exporting to GBA source files.

You can create a PNG of a map using File > Export As Image.