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A member registered Jun 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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Wow got the core of a real farm simulator here, you got a lot done for two days. I can just see all the variables you would need. And nice song where did you get it? Be great to see this overlayed with some real artwork.

Cute little game, well done

Bear on a unicycle never would have thought you could make a game out of that. Great work.

Nice take on the theme and artwork.

Nice little game, tough start though. maybe an easier intro then ramp up.

Nice little game. Hit boxes felt a bit too sensitive, maybe a bit smaller. Or I could jsut be slow ha.

Great game lots of nice features. Hard though. Not sure what it was maybe the key controls just felt a bit awkward.

Ah yes native zooming works. Good enough for now. Thanks

Awesome retro vibes. Like the drift marks when you corner. And the 3d combination with 2d.

Suggestions, some game feel would be great, ie screen shake, maybe when drifting , and onyl have drift marks when drifting not just turnign slightly. And some car animation not sure how, maybe like corner on two wheels :)

Lots of potential good work.

Just playing this game on holiday with my son we both love it. But notice on computer screen everything is too scale, but on a  laptop screen is too large cant get full game window. Anyway to scale it down??

can never go wrong with a wizard game. 

nice. Glad you enjoyed it. 

thanks for playing.  

I was lucky to have a good team. 

thanks been watching your videos. What mechanics would you improve, all feedback is great. 

Great take on the theme. 

Nice lttle game, bit of music would have been nice.

Love the arms behind running animatin never thought of that.

Cool 8 bit vibes.

Unlucky with the time restrictions and the ai, be good to see it fully finished.

Unlucky with the time restrictions and the ai, be good to see it fully finished.

Nice work

Well done great entry

Isnt this just helperwesleys template.

Some really great ideas here. Like the zoom when you breath, the voice acting, great job.

Amazing. Everything just briliant well done. But bloody hard ha.

Well done really looked like an nes game.

Great arcade game, fast pace. Good graphics great entry

Great idea, but so frustrating, excellent effort.

Great graphics, what AI software did you use to make them?

Great kick the buddy clone. Good use of physics.

Nice little game, some sfx would have been good.

Nice, simple and hard. Great work.

Wow you got a lot done, very excellent game. Rated highly.

A brilliant take on the theme and good work on a tutorial. nice entry.

Good diea, bit of a tutorial would speed up the experience.

Great job. Rated high for me.

Lot of humour good work, and nice easy game play.

Great work, I saw a a similar mechanic in the dice game jam awhile ago and couldn't figure out how to implement it.

Hi I am assuming this is your first go at a game jam and new to entry so will give good feedback. As stated the hitboxes are the wrong size. Easy to adjust. Nice easy way to spice up a game is a bit of screen shake when hitting the egg. Also don't forget to remove the authentication banner. Good try.