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A member registered Apr 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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lol your NPCs are spazzing out more than you did :D 

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maybe, maybe not..
judging by the statistical example set by other devs, a pre-purchase on an incomplete game means the game will never be complete. it is a faulty business model. pre-purchase and/or subscription model means there is a financial incentive to never finish the game.

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"there's no desire to be a single game author"
understandable, but also understand that until you finish any game, you're a zero-game author.
"my games are distributed 'for free'"
refer above, "zero-game author".. i appreciate free samples, but i only buy complete games, and my track history shows that clearly. once a game is completed i am more than happy to pay to own a full copy.
but in this genre, there is simply far too much risk in paying a cent for an unfinished game, and the track history of AVN authors also shows that clearly. there are literally dozens of games that i have played free samples of and would have liked to pre-order (cos thats what it is when you pay for an unfinished game) but, i would have been ripped off by those authors who have now either abandoned their games, or gone down the patreon-milking practice of endless "reworks" that barely change a thing and often take years to complete. want an example? have a look at the whole "sylphine" saga which has been in "rework" phase for 5 years now with zero new content released in that time..
your content is excellent, and you can certainly get a 5 star review from me, now, based on the content produced so far, but please keep the above in mind.
this genre has a dirty history of scammers, which affects all devs.

only people who 'go either way' use patreon

"keep replying to me f@gg" = exactly what you're doing! are you daft? or 12?

you're without payouts, but you're still selling on itch?

you're the one here still riding my big 'ol dick, 34 days later
.. goddamn creeps just cant stop stalking me

your logic makes zero sense.. apparently im criticising the devs you have a crush on, but also i'm the one dickriding :D is it opposite day, creep?

^still creepin'

and he's still here ... 
here ya go chum, wipe them crocodile tears up 

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holy fuck man, you remind me of that 80s soap opera "days of our lives". get the fuck over it quit ya attention seeking #NoOneCares. you sound like a girl.
its been well over a week since you started crying. no wonder you're #ForeverAlone and hanging out for weekly messages from some dude on the internet.

at what point did i say i was mad?
projecting much?
i mean, you're still here crying after NINE DAYS.. get over it lol 

you're giving mad

exactly what im saying.. learn to read. pay  for your damn weekly news stories. you're giving broke

The evidence is all above. 

At this point the only rational response is to call you a deliberate liar. You cannot claim to be ignorant in a matter that is directly evidence above.

You are wrong, simp

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lol do the maths again, brainiac. or is public humiliation your fetish? 

March 08, 2022 to April 24 is "over 2 years".

if you had the slightest clue what yr talking about, you'd know there was no new material in 6.1 (which was ANOTHER "remake" milking session), hence it being called 6.1, not 7.0.
keep on gay-simping, simp. i call out creators who fuck over customers, not wait for my dick to get sucked by them.

inb4 "7.1 progress report : re-re-remake has begun, standby for 2 more years"

at least KatanaVN seems to understand the importance of regularity. OP has it exactly right, the question is if the remake is worth it. he is talking about script changes, actually making more content for previous storylines. on the other hand, DeeDee is only running his scenes through a new rendering machine. zero effort, zero new content, and the difference is barely noticeable. quality is still far behind new creators. KatanaVN is a prime example of this contrast, with very nice renders but little publishing experience, certainly not almost half a decades worth of wasting everyone time..

Disclaimer : no goalposts were moved in the making of this comment, and zero cocks were sucked. but keep copying your superiors, gay-simp. its all you're good for

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your post just proved my point precisely. Over 2 years since any new content, which we still don't have.  But sure, keep simping, simp, I'm sure dev will suck u off one day

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"It took him months to do that, but he let us know in advance."
it took him OVER 2 YEARS ffs and there was no notice given only an extreley late notice a year and a half after abandoning the game that he was going to resume it from the bottom up. And the difference is barely noticeable.
You seem to have a severe case of Availability Heuristic bias, probably buttered with a layer of Halo bias. in my many years of AVN play, i have never seen a rework that gains a creator more followers than it loses them in the waiting time, and MurMur is the perfect example.

you're giving #BrokeInTheBasement
if you did have some clue about reading, you'd realise your emotional outburst is entire unfounded, dumbarse. 

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you obviously have problems with reading, so i'm not sure why you'd be into visual novels, or are you just here for the pictures?its not about having updates, its about them being pushed down the wrong channel of the wrong venue.
butt of course you cheapskates are probably drooling at the thought of getting paid content for free.

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if a person is interested in reading devlogs, they'd be a patreon. just saying, its not in the nature of an user.
i actually find them extremely annoying, you get an email from itch saying "X game has an update",. then you get to the site and theres no game update, just a wall of text. its frustrating as hell. i've unfollowed a few creators for having them far too frequently 

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nor has there been any way to do so since like, before covid 2019 bro. 5 years...
at this rate of development, this is about one ounce of effort away from being an abandoned game.

sounds like you should be on patreon paying for those added benefits people expect from a paid patreon subscription.
for me, i'd be happy to get a notification in 2 years that says "game is complete, come buy it now".

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regular notifications saying "i've got nothing new for you to play" sucks. its frustrating, and makes releases feel sooo much further apart from each other..
imagine getting daily "no-pay slips" from an employer "we're just letting you know its only tuesday and you havent been paid yet".
ive got like 70 other games i follow, a fulltime job, and an active social life.. 
to anyone but a basement-dwelling no-lifer who has nothing better to do, devlogs are just spam.
and dont get me wrong, its not the fact that you do a devlog alone, its the way that you release them using teh "game update" channel, as if there is an update to the game.. we are in our emails reading a notification that says "X has released a new update" like "yaay! an update", then we follow the link to itch and then its like "nothing to see here, no new game content, just a wall of text, please move along"
literal notification title i received today :

New updates from Companion of darkness, Summer Scent & Last Human

only two of these games actually had "Updates" to the game.

dont be worried about skipping a devlog, weekly devlogs suck. nothing worse than getting a notification that says "nothing new is being released" every damn week

then they better get to work and finish the job so they can get paid. 
beta testing is a paid occupation performed by qualified individuals WHO NEED TO EAT.
YOU just want free shit, commie.

with a big stick

You are wrong.

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you see, the thing you seem to be missing here is that #WordsHaveMeanings, and you're not following them. the betazoid are obviously a breed of human, as the species are primarily DEFINED by the ability to interbreed. once you can no longer interbreed, you are no longer the same species, and get re-categorized (assuming you  subscribe to the darwinian model as most intelligent ppl do). the fact that they are only distinguishable from our race is the black eyes and telepathy. not a very good example there chum.
just because yr from a different star system, doesn't mean you're not from the same species, we have actual historical examples of migration  right here on earth, just look at black people vs white people.. you might not have guessed it, but we are the same species, because we can interbreed, the EVOLUTION of our races have no drifted so far apart yet, we are both still breeds of human even 100's of 1000's of years separate us .. the show never even attempted to exclude prior migration between star systems, and in fact, was entirely based upon multiple species travelling between star systems. your absurd argument falls flat again.
"evolutionary path doesn’t make you human" - now you seem to be confused by the two very different words "human" and "humanoid", evolutionary paths absolutely define which species we are..
its obvious you're not very good at language, because you cant even read it properly, let alone be able to select the correct words.. i said *cRaptrap, not claptrap.
here's a free lesson in english, one free word then you can start paying me:

of or denoting the sex that can bear offspring or produce eggs".

as intersex people cannot bear offspring (but can very occasionally fertilise females), and have a Y chromosome (remember, we are discussing intersex genetic disorders, not DSD, which are endocrine-caused deformities), its pretty undeniable that they are male.

and finally, while this may well be a fictional story, it is still written in english

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Asexual species consist entirely of females. 
L2biology before opening your ignorant craptrap.
and the fictional genome is not at all alien - we are able to reproduce with them, therefore they are a breed (aka:race) of human.
as for the asinine Ziv question,  your on the spot fallacy is invalid, as that is undeterminable from the fictional information given.. 
it would seem he was born male and has become transgendered (transsexual is impossible, regardless of how many surgeries you have or drugs you take), but he might have been born with a disease, like an intersex disorder or an endocrine disorder. in any case, Ziv is a male - you cant grow a penis without a Y chromosome.

this is not the droid i was looking for :( 
all i wanted to do was enjoy my blissful ignorance and keep spanking those schoolgirls and not stop to question why

all this talk of rape just makes me want to play the game again, but sadly i know you're full of shit.

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it depends on how much you play it. try to get at least 20mins of exercise a day, fattie.

i would love to help you with whatever this problem seems to be, but i am frightfully sorry that i just do not speak noodle.

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nothing sudden about Patreons policies at all, it is in fact not a policy change at all for Patreon.. they just finally caught up and started enforcing thier policies. different story for though, this absolutely is a new policy for them. 
some of us have been trying to warn you for years, and many of us withdrew our support for patreon long ago for this very reason..
you know all those posts on this website where ppl say stuff like "do you have another way of purchasing the game, cos i wont use patreon", or how almost every other developer now has a subscribestar account (they dont have the power to resist these changes) as an attempt at a solution?
being ignorant and calling others paranoid conspiracy theorists makes you #PartOfTheProblem ..
of course it doesnt help that are a bunch of cowards who didn't stand up to the leftwing extremists who run patreon, stripe and paypal at all. they'll happily take yr money for years, but wont lift a finger to help when its crunch time.
eventually the same will happen to steam, cos no one acted when we had time to act. ya'll happily trotted over to patreon and kept handing over money 

but 'male' and 'female' is a term that is not restricted to the human species, its not even restricted to the animal genus, it is a universal term in and of itself that refers to the process of sexual reproduction, regardless of the type of life involved.
he has not invented some fictional 3rd alien sex, something which fits into the established order, for example there may have only been "car" sex and "parking bay" sex, and he could have invented, say a "cars bay loader" sex. he didn't do that. he just did the same old delusional thing - calling one sex by the other sexes name. he's calling the parking bays, cars. and while there is something wrong with that, very very grammatically wrong, it wouldn't matter if he kept that aberration in his own mind, but instead he is now trying to communicate to others with his nonsensical language that is clearly not English, Italian Polish or Russian, as advertised in the games description.

then they better get to work and finish the job so they can get paid. 

its on steam

most of your reply doesnt make grammatical sense, but you got the "mental issues" bit right.